Bloggfęrslur mįnašarins, febrśar 2014

Ķslensku vogunarsjóširnir

„Ķslensku vogunarsjóširnir“

Mundu nś aš meš „KREPPUFLÉTTUNNI,

fyrst meš „VERŠBÓLGU,“ og sķšan meš „VERŠHJÖŠNUN“

nįši fjįrmįlakerfiš miklu af eignum fólksins į Ķslandi.  


Mikiš af žessum eignum var bśiš til meš žvķ aš pappķrast,

žaš er aš selja veršbréf fram og til baka,

en skapaši engar vörur eša žjónustu.


Eignirnar eru fastar ķ krónum ķ fjįrmįlastofnunum.

Nś sjįum viš hvern fulltrśann af öšrum, heimta aš krónan verši leist śr höftum.


Žaš lķtur śt eins og viš höfum nżtt peninga fyrirtękjanna okkar

til aš kaupa eignir fjįrmįlastofnana į Ķslandi.

Žaš lķtur śt eins og viš höfum tekiš lįn til aš kaupa  eignir fjįrmįlastofnana į Ķslandi.

Žaš lķtur śt eins og viš séum komnir ķ spreng meš, aš greiša af žessum lįntökum.


Forustumenn ķ hinum żmsu greinum „skęla“ ķ fjölmišlunum,

og fara fram į aš rķkiš flżti sér aš hjįlpa okkur „vogunarsjóša Ķslendingum“

aš komast ķ brott af landinu meš afraksturinn af  „KREPPUFLÉTTUNNI“

žaš er fyrst meš veršbólgu og sķšan meš veršhjöšnun.


Er leyfilegt aš nota oršiš „RĮN“ um ašgerš sem hvorki gerandi eša žolandi skilur?


Viš erum eins og krakkar ķ sandkassa, sem žurfa gęslu,

svo aš viš sköšum ekki hvert annaš.


Aš sjįlfsögšu viljum viš hjįlpa öllum aš komast śt śr žessum vandręšum.

En,, til aš byrja meš skulum viš rannsaka kreppufléttuna,

hvernig hśn nįši eignum fólksins og fyrirtękjanna.


Einnig rannsökum viš hvernig „eignirnar“ skiptu um eigendur,

trślega frį śtlendum eigendum, til okkar Ķslendinga.


Nś žurfa allir aš fį ašstoš frį rķkinu til aš endurheimta eignir sķnar.


Fyrst koma žeir sem misstu eignir žegar fjįrmįlastofnanir,

létu eignirnar hverfa meš „KREPPUFLÉTTUNNI,

žaš er fyrst meš veršbólgu, og sķšan veršhjöšnun.


Og nś ķ dag er komiš aš žeim aš fį hjįlp frį rķkinu,

sem nś sitja uppi meš eignirnar,

og miklar skuldir vegna kaupanna.


Žetta er efni ķ grķnleik, “farsa.“


Žaš eru aš koma kosningar, og nś skiljum viš „fléttuna“


Eina rįšiš er aš lįta nefndir skoša fléttuna,

og greiša sķšan śr henni.

Aš öšrum kosti sitjum viš uppi meš skömmina.

Žaš er ekki gott ķ kosningum nęstu įra.

Skoša betur seinna

Egilsstašir, 26.02.2014  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Indónesar friša "skötu," a manta ray.

Indónesar friša „skötu.“

a manta ray


Feršažjónustan veršur til žess aš viš frišum dżralķfiš,

til aš sżna žaš feršamönnum.

Žarna eru Indónesar aš friša, vęngja, flug skötu, (a manta ray),

sem er allt aš 8 metrar į milli vęng barša enda.

Žeir telja aš hśn skapi allt aš 1 miljón $ dollara yfir lķftķma sinn,

sem er allt aš 50 įr.

Ef skatan, (a manta ray), er veidd, žį leggur skatan sig į 40 til 500 dollara.

Aš sjįlfsögšu hyggjum viš aš okkar dżralķfi.

Hef ekki hugmynd um hvaša nafn žessi skata hefur į ķslensku.

Egilsstašir, 22.02.2014  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

“Conservationists point to simple economics as an incentive. According to a study published last year in the online journal PLoS One,

a manta ray is worth up to $1 million (1.0000.000 US$) over the course

of its long lifetime,

thanks to tourists willing to pay generously for a chance to swim with the curious creatures that glide gracefully through the water by flapping their wide wings, almost as if flying.

They are worth only $40 to $500 dead.

Government officials were "so surprised that the tourism value is very high. That's a very powerful argument," said Tiene Gunawan, marine program director at Conservation International Indonesia.”

Hiš heilaga prestafélag

Hiš heilaga andlega prestafélag.

Hiš heilaga andlega prestafélag, eru žeir einu sem gętu stżrt žjóšunum

til betri framtķšar.

Nś skulum viš muna aš 3 miljaršar af fįtękasta fólkinu į jöršinni

orsakar ašeins 7% af loftmengun ,

en hįlfur miljaršur, af rķkasta fólkinu į jöršinni

losar 50% af allri loftmengun į jöršinni.


Žaš er nóg til

Žaš sem gera žarf er ekki svo flókiš.


Fęra okkur śt śr lķfkešjunni žar sem viš erum staddir ķ dag,

og fara fremst ķ lķfkešjuna, og borša korn, rętur, įvexti, žörunga.


Hętta aš borša kjöt.

Žį er hęgt aš minnka ręktarland 10 sinnum.


Hętta aš bśa til etanól śr korni.

Sagt er aš 40% af kornuppskeru ķ USA fari ķ aš framleiša etanól.

Margir telja aš žaš fari meiri orka til aš bśa til etanóliš, en sś orka sem etanóliš skilar.

Etanóliš ķ USA er framleitt meš rķkisstyrkjum.

Fyrir nokkrum įrum var tališ aš 90.000 manns hefšu framfęri sitt af etanól framleišslu.

Ef žś ferš inn į Google, žį raša hagsmunaašilar žar inn lofgjöršum um etanól framleišsluna.

Žį er sagt aš žessi og hin hlišarframleišslan (rķkisstyrkurinn?) geri etanólframleišsluna hagkvęma.

Žį žarf aš leita langt aftur ķ leitarlistann til aš fį yfirsżn.




Semja um aš hagsmunaašilar sem framleiša jaršefnaeldsneyti,

hjįlpi til viš aš stórminnka mengun viš notkun

į kolum, olķu og kjarnorkuverum.

Skoša meš hagsmunaašilum ķ kola, olķu og kjarnorkuišnašinum,

hvernig hęgt er aš nżta żmsar orkulindir, svo sem žęr sem Nikola Tesla

sżndi okkur į lišinni öld.

Möguleikarnir eru miklu fleiri.

Munum aš ķ veröldinni er ekkert nema orka, veröldin er orka.

 Munum aš


spila į „orkupķanóiš og skapa


Stundum segjum viš aš žau prjóni sokk og aš žaš sé alheimurinn.

Žaš veršur aš śtbśa kennsluefniš mišaš viš žroska nemandans.

Viš žurfum aš yfirvinna hręšslu hagsmunaašila (fjįrfesta) ķ orkuišnašinum

viš aš eignir og tękni žeirra verši śrelt, žaš er veršlaus.

Žarna śti ķ veröldinni er fullt af fólki sem er tilbśiš aš leggja nżjar brautir

fyrir lķfiš, eins og Ómar Geirson myndi orša žaš.

Skoša sķšar.

Ašal vandamįliš er aš yfirvinna ótta hagsmunaašila, fjįrfestanna.


Egilsstašir, 20.02.2014  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Žaš eru engin höft į krónunni

Žaš eru engin höft į krónunni


Žaš eru aš koma kosningar,


Nei, stašreynd.


Ef žś kynnir öllum „KREPPUFLÉTTUNA“ žį er ekki lengur hęgt

aš blekkja af okkur įvöxt erfišisins,

žaš er eignirnar og žjónustuna.


Žś getur keypt flestar śtlendar vörur į Ķslandi,

og žś feršast um veröldina fyrir launin žķn greidd ķ krónum.


Hvers vegna eru fjölmišlarnir sem er stżrt af fjįrmįlafyrirtękjunum,

stanslaust aš skrifa um žjóš ķ höftum?


Žaš skyldi žó ekki vera, „rįnsfengurinn,“

žaš er eignir fólksins ķ landinu,

sem fjįrmįlastofnanirnar nįšu


fyrst meš „VERŠBÓLGU og   sķšan „VERŠHJÖŠNUN.“


Fjįrmįlafyrirtękin vilja reka loka hnykkinn į „KREPPUFLÉTTUNA“

og koma rįnsfengnum śt śr landinu.


Kreppufléttan, endurtekiš

Įmynning - Eignirnar fęršar śr fasteigninni yfir ķ töluna sem bankinn skrifaši ķ tölvuna hjį sér.


Fólkiš ķ landinu žarf aš fylgjast vel meš žvķ hvort stjórnvöld,

lįta rannsaka „KREPPUFLÉTTUNA,“

žannig aš žaš verši öllum ljóst hvernig fjįrmįlafyrirtękiš,

hirti flestar eignir fólksins.


Žegar lokiš er viš aš rannsaka „KREPPUFLÉTTUNA“ og kynna nišurstöšuna vel,

 getum viš tekiš vitręnar įkvaršanir um framhaldiš.


ŽAŠ er fyrst meš veršbólgu og sķšan veršhjöšnun,

eru eignir fólksins lįtnar hverfa


Fjįrmįlafyrirtękin lįnašu ekkert til uppbyggingar ķ landinu,



Peningur er bókhald.


Žś ert skyldugur til aš hugsa, til žess varstu skapašur.

Hér į aš koma broskall.

oooo = slóšir į blogginu mķnu.

Egilsstašir, 20.02.2014  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Verštryggš, óverštryggš eru bęši verštryggš

Verštryggš, óverštryggš eru bęši verštryggš

Verštryggš og óverštryggš verštrygging

Einhver sagši aš vextir vęru 4,2% og veršbólga 4,2% og vildi lķta į žaš sem 8,4% vexti.

Žarna eru 4,2% vextir og svo hefur krónan rżrnaš um 4,2%,

žaš er allt lįniš hefur rżrnaš um 4,2% og er lįniš žvķ hękkaš ķ krónum, um 4,2%,

til aš lįniš haldi veršgildi sķnu.

Peningakerfiš er haft svo flókiš aš fęstir skilja žaš.

Nś śtbśum viš nżtt peningakerfi, žaš er nżtt peningabókhald.

Peningar eru bókhald.

Egilsstašir, 15.02.2014  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

10 bloggfęrslur fundust

Verštryggš og óverštryggš verštrygging

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 16. febrśar 2013

Verštryggš og óverštryggš verštrygging - Setti žetta į bloggiš hjį Ómari Geirssyni. - Ég sé ekki betur en aš svokölluš óverštryggš lįn séu verštryggš į lķkan hįtt og žaš sem viš köllum

Sjóšurinn sem var "0"

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 16. febrśar 2013

Sjóšurinn sem var "0" Setti žetta į bloggiš hjį Ómari Geirssyni. Mér sżnist aš bęši verštryggš lįn og óverštryggš lįn, séu verštryggš, og bęši (jafn slęm.)**** eins, en verštryggša lįniš žó

Tómur sjóšur + ein setning

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 28. september 2013

Tómur sjóšur + ein setning Tómur sjóšur Hér bętti ég inn einni setningu. Viš notum til dęmis 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, eša 5% greišslu til aš eignast ķbśšina, žaš getur veriš breytilegt Einhver sagši: Ętlar Sigmundur Davķš ekki aš nį ķ einhverja peninga frį

Ķbśšalįnasjóšur, 18.10.2013

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 18. október 2013

Ķbśšalįnasjóšur, 18.10.2013 Nś er enn fariš aš ręša um Ķbśšarmįlasjóš. Sjóšir sem žjóšin notar eiga ekki aš vera féžśfa svokallašra fjįrfesta. Trślega hefur Alžingi og rķkistjórn fyrir hönd Alžingis sett sjóšnum reglur sem sjóšurinn vinnur eftir. Meš

Kostnašur viš hśsnęšislįn.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 27. janśar 2014

Kostnašur viš hśsnęšislįn. Verštryggš eša óverštryggš lįn. Viš hugsum žetta mjög vel, og gefum sérfręšingum, og almenningi tķma til aš kynna sér efniš. Žaš er aš koma betri sżn į fjįrmįlin. Įšur

Žaš er nóg til

Žaš er nóg til,

ef žś leitar lausna.


Hér er ég aš hugsa um aš lįta žig lesa greinina

og endursegja svo efniš ķ örfįum oršum

sem gętu aukiš skilning okkar

sem eru ašeins tregari.

Hér eru Socialistar aš reyna aš skilja

aš góšar lausnir eru til,

ašeins aš nota andan, hugsa, leita lausna.

Žaš er algjör óžarfi aš fękka fólkinu um nokkra miljarša.  <---- thiss one fails

if some address fails use to find it, for example: Dispelling “the Malthus myth”

Dispelling “the Malthus myth”

In the 200 years since the Reverend Thomas Malthus first penned his tract An Essay on the Principle of Population the question of the “carrying capacity” of the planet has repeatedly appeared. Most recently, mainstream debates around how to solve the question of climate change have boiled down to the simplistic argument that “there are too many people”.

The idea that a growing population means a greater pressure on natural resources, which eventually exceeds planetary capacity, is a simple common sense one. It is also wrong. Since Malthus’s time, those who have followed in his footsteps have used such arguments to justify the world’s unequal distribution of wealth and argue against the possibility of social reform.”


Nišurstöšur fyrir maltus

5 bloggfęrslur fundust


Buckminster R Fuller, Synergy, Maltus.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 3. maķ 2012

Buckminster R Fuller, Synergy , Maltus . You the inteligent people of the world should read Buckminster R. Fuller and teach us , in few easy to understand words . ***** Synergy View


USA, sżna athygli, vera višbśinn

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 5. aprķl 2013

USA Hver er aš ginna USA til aš fęra varnarmįtt og athygli til Austur Asķu. Hvar er veikur punktur hjį žér USA? Athyglin žarf aš vera algild. Einhver sagši nįlęgt Austur Tķmor, ekki veit ég žaš. Kemur ógnin śr óvęntri įtt? Žaš er engin naušsyn aš fękka


Verum fulltrśar gnęgta, lausna.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 21. aprķl 2013

Verum fulltrśar gnęgta, lausna. Do more with less Buckminster R Fuller Hlustaši į Silfur Egils aš hluta ķ dag. Žar var talaš um &#8220;hin miklu vandręši&#8221;,takmörk (hag) vaxtarins, Žį varš mér hugsaš til &#8220;hinna miklu vandręša&#8221; um


Dispelling “the Malthus myth”

Issue: 127
Posted: 25 June 10


Martin Empson

Fred Pearce, Peoplequake: Mass Migration, Ageing Nations and the Coming Population Crash (Eden Project Books, 2010), £12.99

In the 200 years since the Reverend Thomas Malthus first penned his tract An Essay on the Principle of Population the question of the “carrying capacity” of the planet has repeatedly appeared. Most recently, mainstream debates around how to solve the question of climate change have boiled down to the simplistic argument that “there are too many people”. James Lovelock for instance argues “that we are treating the planet so badly that we are likely to require a population crash to about one billion people before the world can again live within its ecological means”. The Optimum Population Trust, who “support research into lower optimum population sizes” and “campaign for a lower population in the UK”, claim that “human consumption of renewable resources is already overshooting Earth’s capacity to provide”.

This argument fits perfectly with Malthus’s own beliefs. It would have been recognised by writers such as Paul Ehrlich who spent the 1960s warning the world that its rapidly growing population would soon exceed the planet’s ability to provide. It is a recipe that ends up blaming the poorest people for the world’s problems.

The idea that a growing population means a greater pressure on natural resources, which eventually exceeds planetary capacity, is a simple common sense one.    It is also wrong.       Since Malthus’s time, those who have followed in his footsteps have used such arguments to justify the world’s unequal distribution of wealth and argue against the possibility of social reform. Racism and scapegoating have flowed from the theory and have lead to forced sterilisation programmes, abortion and anti-immigrant legislation. The resurgence of these debates in the context of environmental crisis is a distraction from discussions about the political and economic changes required to tackle global warming.

It is in this context that Fred Pearce’s latest book is such an important contribution. Pearce turns just about every perceived wisdom about population on its head. From the publication of his first writings, Malthus’ ideas rapidly made it into the mainstream. Eugenicists tacked on their ideas of racial superiority to Malthusian concerns and the resultant poisonous mix made the perfect ideology to justify colonialism and empire. Malthus himself had become the first professor of political economy, teaching a generation of future administrators of empire about the “perils of overpopulation” and the “pointlessness of charity”. Charles Trevelyan, who oversaw the Irish Potato famine for the British government, was a student of Malthus.

The same ideas were at the back of Winston Churchill’s mind when he called for the sterilisation of the “feeble-minded”. Between the First and Second World Wars “60,000 imbeciles, epileptics and ‘feeble-minded’ were compulsorily sterilised in the US”, there were tens of thousands of further victims in countries as diverse as Sweden and Japan. The logic was taken to its brutal extreme by the Nazis, who sterilised half a million people, though as Pearce points out, their policies were “widely admired”.

In the post war period, Malthusian ideas were very much part of the ruling ideology of the Cold War. In the early 1950s, the Rockefeller Foundation was set up to ensure that industrial development was held back from countries like India until they had dealt with their population problem. Senior figures in United Nations organisations and Western governments believed that aid shouldn’t be given to “overpopulated” countries, such as Japan, until they had reduced the numbers living there.

But for leading figures in the US administration at this time, concerns about overpopulation were not driven by a desire to improve the lives of the world’s poorest. Rather they saw the issue as a strategic threat to US dominance. One government report concluded that “hungry people without enough land to grow food were likely to be seduced by dreams of land reform”. Such dreams could lead to revolution, and something had to be done. In addition to the introduction of population control programmes, groups like the Rockefeller Foundation funded research into crop improvements—the “green revolution”.

One of the problems for Malthus’s followers, is that time and again their predictions haven’t come true. Today’s population of Britain is far in excess of what was possible, according to Malthus. Billions of people did not starve to death in the developing world as Ehrlich had promised in the 1970s. The simple reason for this is the development of new and improved ways of producing food. The introduction of improved varieties of wheat, rice and maize massively increased the amount of food that was grown. In the “30 years from 1963, food output outstripped population growth by 36 percent in Asia as a whole”, writes Pearce. “In this light”, he continues, “the green revolution and population control were both part of a fix to preserve the capitalist status quo”.

Changes in farming brought other consequences—the risks of relying on a few crop varieties, the environmental problems caused by increased use of water as well as the consequences of over-reliance on pesticides. The green revolution hasn’t led to an end to hunger—though 
millions of people who might have starved to death can get food to eat. As Pearce points out, those who starve today do so because they can’t afford to eat, rather than a shortage of food.

But for Pearce there is another unintended consequence. Because the green revolution allowed greater crop yields, less people were needed to farm the land. This led to smaller families and falling fertility levels in Asia. Pearce argues that falling fertility and crashing population are likely to be the real population problem for the 21st century. In many parts of Europe we are already experiencing a major population crisis. If fertility rates stay the same in countries like Italy and German native populations will fall by over 80 percent by the end of the century. Currently Europe is producing about 6 million babies a year. That’s 2 million less than needed to maintain the population. The population of Russia is dropping by half a million every year.

Increasingly, richer countries will be relying on immigration from the developing world to keep society running. But the developing world is also having fewer children. On current trends, world population is likely to start falling within a generation for the first time since the Black Death. The reasons for this are complex. Pearce highlights a number of factors—improved access to contraception, for instance. He also notes how, when access to education improves, women tend to have fewer children. But he also makes the point that when there is access to decent healthcare and childcare, women are able to make the decision to have children.

An ageing, shrinking population brings its own problems. Already in France and Japan there are only two taxpaying workers to support each pensioner. In Italy the figure is as low as 1.3. Many economies will increasingly rely on migrants to work, flying in the face of the anti-immigrant rhetoric we currently are experiencing. But the conclusion that Pearce comes to is a positive one. Although from an environmental point of view, he doesn’t believe we should stop worrying. Population is not the key factor in environmental destruction. What is important is the distribution of wealth.

“The poorest three billion or so people on the planet (roughly 45 percent in total) are currently responsible for only 7 percent of emissions, while the richest 7 percent (about half a billion people) are responsible for 50 percent of emissions.” Thus an increase in the population of the poorest areas of the world, despite what we are told by some environmentalists, will make little impact on climate change. The big question is how we change society in the richer world.

Fredrick Engels summed up Malthus’s ideas simply: “The earth is perennially overpopulated, whence poverty, misery, distress and immorality must prevail; that it is the lot, the eternal destiny of mankind, to exist in too great numbers, and therefore in diverse classes, of which some are rich, educated, and moral, and others more or less poor, distressed, ignorant and immoral.”

For Marx and Engels, arguments of overpopulation hid a wider issue. They were a fig leaf covering racist ideas that justified the way that the world was. Today questions of population are still distorted by myths and lies. And they still serve to hide from us the wider question of how we must transform our own societies to save the planet and its people. It is for these reasons that Fred Pearce has done socialists engaged in the environmental movement, as well as those defending migrants and fighting racism, a tremendous service with this book.


Erum viš aš lęra?

Sett į blogg:  Gušmundur Įsgeirsson


Mér sżnist aš viš séum allir aš vakna.

Einar Karl skrifaši allvel um žessi mįl.

Gagnslaus samanburšur

Viš veršum aš muna aš ķ veršbólgu rżrnar krónan

og er verš minni meš hverju įrinu.

Žaš er aš lįniš lękkar aš veršgildi į hverju įri.

Allur samanburšur veršur aš vera į fastveršgildiskrónu.

Til dęmis ķ krónunni sem lįniš var tekiš.

Žeir sem veita lįnin og žeir sem taka lįnin skilja žetta ekki.

Žessi hringavitleysa gengur ekki lengur.

Ég var aš reyna aš skķra žetta hér.

Kostnašur viš hśsnęšislįn.

Lęra aš peningur er bókhald.

Alžingi veršur aš breyta žeim reglum sem žaš setti Ķbśšalįnasjóši.

Ķbśšalįnasjóšur į aš lįna frį SJÓŠI "0"“meš 0,5% umsżsluvöxtum.

Nś breytum viš öllum lįnum žannig

aš ķbśšalįnasjóšur lįnar beint frį SJÓŠI „0“

meš 0,5% umsżsluvöxtum,

verštryggt ķ launum.

Egilsstašir, 14.02.2014  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Guš Ķsraels er góšur, og vill bjarga žér. Aušskiliš

Guš Ķsraels.


Guš Ķsraels er góšur, og vill bjarga žér.

Žaš eru geršir žķnar sem koma ķ veg fyrir aš žaš sé hęgt.

lesa hér

Jóhannesargušspjall, Kafli 14, vers 6


Jón Įsgeir Sigurvinsson

„Viš getum fundiš svariš meš žvķ aš draga įlyktun af višbrögšum Jesś viš žvķ, aš vera kallašur „Góši meistari“, žvķ hann sagši: „Hvķ kallar žś mig góšan? Enginn er góšur nema Guš einn.“ Ef Jesśs fellir žann dóm um sjįlfan sig aš hann sé ekki góšur, žį gefur auga leiš aš enginn er nęgilega góšur eša réttlįtur til aš eiga hjįlpręši Gušs skiliš. Meš öšrum oršum: Mašurinn getur ekkert gert af eigin rammleik, sem er nógu gott til aš vega upp į móti öllum žeim ranglįtu hugsunum, oršum og gjöršum, sem hann gerir sig sekan um į lķfsleišinni.

„Hver getur žį oršiš hólpinn?“ Jesśs svarar: „Fyrir mönnum eru engin rįš til žessa, en fyrir Guši. Guš megnar allt.“ Hér erum viš algjörlega upp į nįš og miskunn Gušs komin.“


Egilsstašir, 12.02.2014  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Nįšu eignum heimilanna og fyrirtękjanna meš klękjum?

Sett į blogg hjį:  Gušmundur Įsgeirsson

Fróšleg umfjöllun.

Hvaš žarf aš segja žetta oft til aš fólkiš vakni?

Žś ęttir aš kryfja til mergjar Kreppufléttuna hans Tónasar Jefferssonar.

Fyrst skipulögš veršbólga og sķšan veršhjöšnun.

Žannig var eign heimilana og fyrirtękjanna lįtin hverfa.

Žį tók fjįrmįlafyrirtękiš eignirnar, og endurmat žęr.

Žį sögšu fjįrmįlafyrirtękin aš žau hefšu grętt miljarša.

Žetta er svo einfalt aš allir geta skiliš žaš.

Er žaš löglegt aš nį eignum heimila og fyrirtękja meš klękjum?

Aš sjįlfsögšu eiga fjįrmįlastofnanir aš skila öllu til baka, til fólksins.

Egilsstašir, 10.02.2014  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Allah og Ķsrael


Eru Sśnķtar aš reyna aš nįlgast Gyšinga?

Nafniš Allah var hugsanlega notaš af Gyšingum, Kristnum,?

į dögum Krists.

Allah, sį sem er allt.

Žarna er mikil gerjun.

Hér er smį endursögn.

Žarna er haft eftir Sheikh Ahmad Adwan,

žar sem hann vitnar ķ Kóraninn

aš Allah hafi śthlutaš Ķsrael til Gyšinganna fram aš dómsdegi.

(Sura 5 Verse 21),

og aš Gyšingar séu erfingjar aš Ķsrael

(Sura 26 Verse 59)

Hann segir viš žį sem “rangfęra” Kóraninn:

hvašan fenguš žiš nafniš Palestina……..

žegar Allah hefur žegar gefiš žvķ nafniš “LANDIŠ HELGA”

og įnafnaš landiš til Ķsraels "barna"

fram aš “Dómsdegi”…

Žaš er hvergi talaš um Palestķnu ķ Kóraninum.

Žiš krefjist žess aš Ķsrael sé ekki til,

og žaš telst įrįs į Kóraninn, Gyšinganna og Ķsrael.

Vegna žessa mun ykkur mistakast,

og Allah mun leiša ykkur ķ villu og aušmżkja ykkur,

Allah sjįlfur mun verja Gyšingana, ašvarar Adwan.

 Egilsstašir, 09.02.2014  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Allah has promised Israel to the Jews -- so says Sheikh Ahmad Adwan, a Muslim scholar living in Jordan, who declared on his Facebook page recently that "Palestine" doesn&#39;t exist.

Blogger Elder of Ziyon translated Arab news sources that this Saturday reported on Adwan&#39;s statements, in which he quotes the Koran saying Allah assigned Israel to the Jews until the Day of Judgement (Sura 5 Verse 21), and that Jews are the inheritors of Israel (Sura 26 Verse 59).

"I say to those who distort...the Koran: from where did you bring the name Palestine, you liars, you accursed, when Allah has already named it &#39;The Holy Land&#39; and bequeathed it to the Children of Israel until the Day of Judgment," argued Adwan. "There is no such thing as &#39;Palestine&#39; in the Koran."

"Your demand for the Land of Israel is a falsehood and it constitutes an attack on the Koran, on the Jews and their land. Therefore you won’t succeed, and Allah will fail you and humiliate you, because Allah is the one who will protect them (i.e. the Jews)," warns Adwan.

The sheikh had more harsh words for the "Palestinians," calling them "the killers of children, the elderly and women" in using them as human shields in order to falsely accuse the Jews of targeting them. He reports having seen the same tactic used by "Palestinians" against the Jordanian army in the 1970s.

"This is their habit and custom, their viciousness, their having hearts of stones towards their children, and their lying to public opinion, in order to get its support," declared Adwan.

Adwan has previously said his support for the Jewish people "comes from my acknowledgment of their sovereignty on their land and my belief in the Koran, which told us and emphasized this in many places, like His (Allah’s) saying ”Oh People (i.e the Children of Israel), enter the Holy Land which Allah has assigned unto you&#39;" (Sura 5, Verse 21).

The Jews are a peaceful people according to Adwan, who says "if they are attacked, they defend themselves while causing as little damage to the attackers as possible. It is an honor for them that Allah has chosen them over the worlds – meaning over the people and the Jinns (spiritual creatures) until the Day of Judgment. ...When Allah chose them, He didn’t do so out of politeness, and He wasn’t unjust other peoples, it is just that they (the Jews) deserved this.”

Video (mostly in Hebrew) from Orot TV shows Adwan&#39;s 2012 visit to Tzfat, where he met with the city&#39;s Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu and expressed his support for Israel:


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