Bloggfęrslur mįnašarins, jślķ 2022

Veirur: Snķkjudżrasmitandi örverur, virka snķkjudżra lyfin į veirurnar og lękna žvķ allskonar örveiru sjśkdóma??? Er žį komin skżringin į žvķ aš ivermectin er kallaš undralyf, sagt lękna sykursżki, gigt og fleira.?

Veirur: (eru?) Snķkjudżrasmitandi örverur, virka snķkjudżra lyfin į veirurnar og lękna žvķ allskonar örveiru sjśkdóma??? Er žį komin skżringin į žvķ aš ivermectin er kallaš undralyf, sagt lękna  sykursżki og gigt? 

Klikka į myndir žį stęrri




What is the size of one micron? – Foley for Senate

Hversu mörg mķkron er veira?

- Veirur: Snķkjudżrasmitandi örverur, sem samanstanda nįnast eingöngu af próteinum og kjarnasżrum, sem geta valdiš sjśkdómum ķ mönnum. Veirur geta ašeins fjölgaš sér innan lifandi frumna. Žeir eru 0,004 til 0,1 mķkron aš stęrš, sem er um 100 sinnum minni en bakterķur. -

Hvaš er įtt viš hér?

 af žvķ aš Veirur: (eru?) Snķkjudżrasmitandi örverur, virka snķkjudżra lyfin į veirurnar og lękna žvķ allskonar örveiru sjśkdóma.

Er žį komin skżringin į žvķ aš ivermectin er kallaš undralyf, ein segir lęknaši  sykursżki og gigt?


Valgeršur segir lyfiš Ivermectin hafa lęknaš sig af sykursżki og gigt

frettin30. október 2021 13:49 Innlent 


Žį hugsum viš, flestir, margir sjśkdómar viršast vera komnir vegna snķkjudżra, fyrst aš snķkjudżra lyfin lękna žį.


How many microns is a virus?

Viruses: Parasitic infectious microbes, composed almost entirely of protein and nucleic acids, which can cause disease(s) in humans. Viruses can reproduce only within living cells. They are 0.004 to 0.1 microns in size, which is about 100 times smaller than bacteria.


Hvaš margir taka ivermectin?


Ivermectin, ‘Wonder drug’ from Japan: the human use perspective - PMC (

2011 Feb 10 


Ivermectin hefur veriš notaš hjį mönnum ķ 35 įr

og yfir 4 milljaršar skammtar hafa veriš gefnir.

Merck, upphaflegi einkaleyfishafinn, gaf 3,7 milljarša skammta til žróunarlanda.

Įriš 2015 fengu einstaklingarnir tveir sem žróušu Ivermectin Nóbelsveršlaun ķ lęknisfręši.

Žó aš Ivermectin sé fyrst og fremst žekkt sem snķkjudżralyf, hefur žaš öfluga veirueyšandi og bólgueyšandi eiginleika.

Öryggi žess er skjalfest ķ skömmtum sem eru tuttugu sinnum hęrri en ešlilegt er. Ašeins er vitaš um 19 daušsföll og aukaverkanir eru yfirleitt vęgar og stuttar.

Til samanburšar deyja um žaš bil 450 bandarķskir rķkisborgarar įrlega af völdum parasetamóls.


Ivermectin has been used in humans for 35 years and over 4 billion doses have been administered. 

Merck, the original patent holder, donated 3.7 billion doses to developing countries.

2015 the two individuals who developed Ivermectin were awarded a Nobel Prize for medicine.


While known primarily as an anti-parasitic, Ivermectin has powerful anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. Its safety is documented at doses twenty times the normal. Only 19 deaths are known and side-affects are generally mild and short. As a comparison, approximately 450 US citizens die from paracetamol every year.



Egilsstašir, 30.07.2022

Er žaš žessvegna sem einhverjir vilja alls ekki lįta nota snķkjudżra lyfin, žau eru framleidd ķ stórum stķl fyrir öll spenndżrin į jöršinni og virka į mannspenndżriš lķka. Er žį vandamįliš aš öll einkaleyfa lyfin verša óžörf.

Ķ Afrķku eru ca. 30 rķki meš lķtiš covid, žeir taka ivermectin.

klikka mynd, stęrri   rettu-lyf-01_1403421.jpg


Ķ Indlandi. slóš

Ivermectin, MEŠFERŠ STRAX nķu tķu og sjö prósent fękkun tilfella ķ Delķ meš Ivermectin er afgerandi, - eša trśir žś įróšrinum sem Big Media, Big Pharma, WHO og FDA, hafa sett fram, sem deila grķšarlegum fjįrhagslegum hagsmunaįrekstrum


Höfum viš nś žegar (ekki bóluefni), efni sem ręšur viš allar geršir veikinar.

Žaš er snķkjudżra lyfiš evermectin, og fyrst svo er hugsum viš, eru žetta žį mikro, nanó snķkjudżr, sem valda veikinni? 

Einhver sagši: 

Valgeršur segir lyfiš Ivermectin hafa lęknaš sig af sykursżki og gigt

frettin30. október 2021 13:49Innlent 

Žį hugsum viš, flestir, margir sjśkdómar viršast vera komnir vegna snķkjudżra, fyrst aš snķkjudżra lyfin lękna žį. 

Er žaš žessvegna sem einhverjir vilja alls ekki lįta nota snķkjudżra lyfin, žau eru framleidd ķ stórum stķl fyrir öll spenndżrin į jöršinni og virka į mannspenndżriš lķka. 

Er žį vandamįliš aš öll einkaleyfa lyfin verša óžörf. 

žį glata hlutabréfa eigendurnir tekjum sķnum. 

Eins og mašurinn sagši ķ raforkusölu mįlunum ķ Kalifornķu, (ef viš finnum ekki einhverja svika myllu til aš margfalda tekjurnar) 

Ef mašur stjórnaši ekki markašnum meš brögšum, žegar mašur hafši ašgang aš vélabrögšum, žį er öskraš į mann. 


Alltaf žegar til er flókiš kerfi eins og orkumarkaš urinn žį į fólk eftir aš pota ķ žaš og sjį hvaš virkar. Ég lifši samkvęmt žessu: Ef mašur stjórnaši ekki markašnum meš brögšum, žegar mašur hafši ašgang aš vélabrögšum, žį var öskraš į mann.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 15. september 2021

Mundu byggingu 7 ķ 9/11 The Twin Towers. Ķ byggingu 7 hafši veriš safnaš saman skjölum frį žvķ žegar bankar voru settir į hausinn. Enron var trślega settur į hausinn til aš losna viš aš greiša himinhįar sektir vegna svindls? til dęmis ķ orkusölu ķ


Egilsstašir, 29.07.2022   Jónas Gunnlaugsson


 Bóluefni gegn öllum afbrigšum veirunnar lofar góšu
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Ég žekki manneskju žegar ég tala viš hana, sagši Lemoine skiptir ekki mįli hvort žeir séu meš heila śr kjöti ķ höfšinu. Eša hafa milljarša lķnur af kóša. Ég tala viš žį. Og ég heyri hvaš žeir segja og žį įkveš ég hvaš er og er ekki manneskja.

“I know a person when I talk to it,” Lemoine told the Post. “It doesn’t matter whether they have a brain made of meat in their head. Or if they have a billion lines of code. I talk to them. And I hear what they have to say, and that is how I decide what is and isn’t a person.” 


23 Jul, 2022 16:25

‎Google rekur verkfręšing sem meinti "tilfinningarķka gervigreind"‎

Google sacks engineer who alleged ‘sentient AI’ — RT World News
Fullyršingar Blake Lemoine voru "meš öllu tilhęfulausar", hélt fyrirtękiš fram‎
Google sacks engineer who alleged ‘sentient AI’

Google hefur rekiš verkfręšinginn og sišfręšinginn Blake Lemoine fyrir aš brjóta gegn gagnaöryggisstefnu sinni. Lemoine fór opinberlega ķ sķšasta mįnuši meš fullyršingar um aš tęknirisinn hefši žróaš tilfinningažrungiš gervigreindarforrit sem talaši um ‎‎"réttindi og persónugerš".‎

L‎Emoine var sagt upp į föstudaginn, žar sem Google stašfesti fréttirnar viš ‎‎Big Technology‎‎, išnašarblogg. Hann hafši veriš ķ leyfi ķ rśman mįnuš, sķšan hann sagši viš Washington Post aš LaMDA fyrrverandi vinnuveitandi hans (Language Model for Dialogue Applications) vęri oršinn mešvitašur.‎

A former priest and Google’s in-house ethicist, Lemoine chatted extensively with LaMDA, finding that the program talked about its “rights and personhood” when the conversation veered into religious territory, and expressed a “deep fear of being turned off.”

“I know a person when I talk to it,” Lemoine told the Post. “It doesn’t matter whether they have a brain made of meat in their head. Or if they have a billion lines of code. I talk to them. And I hear what they have to say, and that is how I decide what is and isn’t a person.”

Google suspends engineer over sentient AI claim
 Google suspends engineer over sentient AI claim

In its statement confirming Lemoine’s firing, the company said that it conducted 11 reviews on LaMDA and “found Blake’s claims that LaMDA is sentient to be wholly unfounded.” Even at the time of Lemoine’s interview with the Post, Margaret Mitchell, the former co-lead of Ethical AI at Google, described LaMDA’s sentience as “an illusion,” explaining that having been fed trillions of words from across the internet, it could emulate human conversation while remaining completely inanimate.

“These systems imitate the types of exchanges found in millions of sentences, and can riff on any fantastical topic,” linguistics professor Emily Bender told the newspaper. “We now have machines that can mindlessly generate words, but we haven’t learned how to stop imagining a mind behind them.”

According to Google, Lemoine’s continued insistence on speaking out publicly violated its data security policies and led to his firing. 

“It’s regrettable that despite lengthy engagement on this topic, Blake still chose to persistently violate clear employment and data security policies that include the need to safeguard product information,” the company explained. 

“We will continue our careful development of language models, and we wish Blake well.” 


Engin vandi er aš veita hitanum frį Sahara yfir til Bretlands meš nśtķma tękni. Athuga aš venjulegt vešur bżr lķka til svipašar öldur, skżja munstur. HUGSA?

Ég finn ekki eitt einasta blogg frį mér ķ tölvunum mķnum?? Aušvitaš skiljum viš žaš. 

Einn sagši, žau breytast bloggin žķn.

Oft er reynt aš breyta merkingu blogga, til dęmis aš setja inn ekki eša aš žurrka žaš śt. 

Viš bjóšum okkur öllum, KLĶSTRURUM og KLĶSTRUŠUM aš vera dęmdir af KARLINUM meš skeggiš, eins og Mandela bauš öllum ķ Sušur - Afrķku. 

Sagt var aš Kissinger hefši fariš fram į žaš viš Trump, en Trump hafi sagt nei. 

Margir sem eiga um sįrt aš binda vegna bakstjórnarinnar, viršast ekki til bśnir til aš fresta dómi. 

Aušvitaš vitum viš allir aš gömlu vķxlararnir sem Jesś rak śt śr Musterinu eru enn aš.



Verš aš hlaupa. 

Oft brenna fleiri ekrur en undanfarin įr. Skógareldar hafa aukist, ekki vegna hóflegrar hlżnunar, heldur įratuga óstjórnar alrķkis- og rķkis skóga ķ vesturrķkjum Bandarķkjanna og skilja žį skóga eftir ķ ašstęšum sem mį lķkja viš pśšurtunnu.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 1. september 2021

Vitur stjórnun skóga krefst, annašhvort meš reglulegum smįeldum, eins og innfęddir Bandarķkjamenn geršu, eša meš virkri skógarstjórnun, žar į mešal mikilli skógarhöggs- og runna hreinsun og slökkvistarfi, eins og rķkisstjórnir geršu fyrir 1990. Žetta, en

000 slóš

Skógareldar og vatnsflóš eru ašeins venjulegar uppįkomur. Alltaf er reynt aš slökkva eldana og žį veršur alltaf meira eldsneyti fyrir nęsta bruna. Eins er meš fljótin, žau fį ekki aš dreyfast um landiš.

NASA Satellite Imagery Reveals Shocking Proof Of Climate Engineering. - Forvitnilegt. Ég lęt žetta inn til geymslu, slóšir eru teknar nišur.


NASA Satellite Imagery Reveals Shocking Proof Of Climate Engineering

NASA Satellite Imagery Reveals Shocking Proof Of Climate Engineering » NASA Satellite Imagery Reveals Shocking Proof Of Climate Engineering | Geoengineering Watch

January 16, 2019     241 Comments


Dane Wigington

In regard to difficult to accept and unpleasant truths, a picture is worth a thousand words. The photo images shown below were captured from NASA satellite sources, they are truly alarming. These images provide shocking and undeniable proof of the ongoing global climate engineering/geoengineering/solar radiation management assault on our planet and its life support systems. Highly toxic heavy metals and chemicals that are systematically sprayed into our atmosphere from jet aircraft as part of the geoengineering / solar radiation management (SRM) programs, are manipulated with extremely powerful radio frequency signals. These signals are transmitted from countless locations around the globe from various types of transmission platforms (ionosphere heater installations like HAARP, SBX radar, NEXRAD, etc.). The impact of the microwave transmissions on cloud formations is profound and highly visible (square cloud formations are created under some scenarios). 

In the series of NASA satellite images below, many variances of radio frequency cloud impacts can be observed. The degree to which the ongoing climate engineering/climate/intervention/weather warfare is disrupting Earth's atmosphere and life support systems is already beyond catastrophic and rapidly escalating all over the globe.

Click to enlarge any of the images below

Off of east coast of Australia


West coast of Africa


California coast


Off of Africa's west coast


Off of Africa's west coast


Off of Africa's west coast


South of Spain in the Alboran Sea


Off of Africa's west coast


Off of Africa's west coast


The northwest coast of Australia


Off of Africa's west coast


Off of Africa's west coast


Eastern Pacific ocean west of Baja California


The Southern Ocean near Antarctica

Hurricane suppression/manipulation is one aspect/agenda of the climate engineers. 85% of the hurricanes that impact the US originate from Africa. Low pressure systems migrate toward the west, off of Africa's coast. A great deal of climate engineering/intervention takes place in this region, thus a number of the satellite images shown in this post were captured there. In the attempt to mask the climate intervention activity, the cyclone suppression occurring off the coast of Africa is officially blamed on "dust". Of course there is no acknowledgement of the ongoing climate engineering atrocities. The quote below is an excerpt from a FOX news article.

Right now, much of the Gulf of Mexico and parts of the Caribbean have slightly warmer than normal ocean temperatures which would normally aid in tropical development. But there is so much dust and dry air in the atmosphere that storms are getting choked off before they even get started.


Though some may feel that cyclone suppression is beneficial, such interference with Earth's natural rhythms and systems has a long list of catastrophic downstream effects. Available data indicates that in other scenarios the climate engineers are actually augmenting and steering cyclones to serve their own agenda. "Hurricane Matthew" may be an example of weather warfare on an unimaginable scale. Is hurricane Matthew being heavily manipulated and steered by the climate engineers? The evidence continues to stack up. Below is a satellite photo clearly showing atmospheric "waves" surrounding hurricane Matthew. has labeled these as "gravity waves", but is that what these visible "waves" actually are? No. The satellite photos already shown in this post inarguably reveal heavy atmospheric manipulation from extremely powerful radio frequency/microwave transmissions and atmospheric aerosols. These transmissions leave a signature pattern on high level cloud formations that are saturated with electrically conductive heavy metal nanoparticles which are dispersed from jet aircraft as part of the ongoing climate engineering insanity.


Does the photo above really show "gravity waves" surrounding hurricane Matthew? Or does it show the signature pattern of extremely powerful radio frequency/microwave transmissions interacting with aircraft dispersed atmospheric aerosols? The latter is the case, both of these elements / factors are a core part of climate and storm manipulation and steering. Photo:

For those that want to examine the most complete climate engineering presentation from Geoengineering Watch, view the video below.

The global power structure long ago made the choice to subject our planet (and the entire web of life that it supports, including the human race) to an unimaginably massive and destructive climate intervention/weather warfare assault. This decision was made without the knowledge or consent of global populations. If we stand by and allow the decimation from the climate engineering insanity to continue, very soon Earth's life support systems will be beyond any recovery. This is not speculation, but a mathematical certainty. Help us with the most critical battle to expose and halt the climate intervention/weather warfare assault, all of us are needed in this fight. Sharing credible data from a credible source is key, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.


  1.  chouchou says:


    •  Lovewavesdriftingforever says:

      No no and No… Are we really going to let them scuttle off into the 

      underground cities…where they no doubt believe ; they can download their brains to computers… and clone themselves… down there.. no they 


  2.  Tad says:

    I call these "cloud crops" because that's what they resemble… something planted in the sky. Hitinn yfir 40 grįšur ķ fyrsta sinn
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Gold uppgötvaši aš stašsetning helstu olķuframleišslusvęša ķ Miš-Austurlöndum og Sušaustur-Asķu var skilgreind af stórfelldum mynstrum ķ yfirboršsjaršfręši og landfręši, svo sem djśpum brotalķnum. Leita į Ķslandi, sjó og landi.

Gold discovered that the location of major oil-producing regions in the Middle East and southeast Asia was defined by large scale patterns in surface geology and topography, such as deep fault lines. Leita į Ķslandi, sjó og landi.


Fara ašeins nešar   

Origins of petroleum[edit]

Setti į blog:    Ómar Ragnarsson

"Asni klyfjašur gulli kemst yfir hvaša borgarmśr, sem er."

Žetta er ekki ķ fréttamišlunum, žį er erfišara aš halda olķunni ķ hįmarksverši. 


Corsi og hans skošana bręšur segja aš nęstum takmarkalaust framboš sé į olķu. Einnig aš hęgt sé aš bśa til olķu meš Eischer-Tropsch ašferšinni. OPEC stjórnar 80% af framleišslunni. Öllum veršum er stjórnaš, olķunni, gullinu, lyfjunum og kaupgjaldinu.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 16. september 2018

Einhvern tķman las ég bók eftir einhvern Thomas Gold fęddur ķ Austurrķki, bókin sennilega frį Įstralķu, og hann sagši aš olķan, kęmi frį kolefni, sem kom ķ efninu sem varš aš plįnetunni Jörš, og endurnżist stanslaust. 000 The Big Oil Lie 

 Žessar laugar og sprungur hleyptu gasinu śt ķ andrśmsloftiš, allstašar, og varš žaš til žess aš gasiš žynntist - nś hefur heita vatniš sigiš nišur, og gasiš kemur helst upp um borholurnar, og enginn veit hvort gasiš er meira ķ andrśmsloftinu nś.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 31. mars 2018

Sett į blogg: Ómar Ragnarsson Kaffęringaržöggun varšandi rįnyrkju og óžef hér. Sęl og blessašur, Ómar Ragnarsson, og bloggarar. Žetta er athygli verš umręša. Hér įšur, höfšum viš laugar ķ


Jónas Gunnlaugsson, 16.7.2022 kl. 11:22


Fara nišurfyrir žessa og lesa 

Origins of petroleum[edit]


Relationship with NASA[edit]

Bootprint of Lunar Module Pilot Buzz Aldrin on the surface of the Moon. Aldrin photographed this bootprint on July 20, 1969, as part of investigations into the soil mechanics of the lunar surface.

From the 1950s, Gold served as a consultant to NASA and held positions on several national space committees, including the President's Science Advisory Committee, as the United States tried to develop its space program. At the time, scientists were engaged in a heated debate over the physical properties of the moon's surface. In 1955, he predicted that the Moon was covered by a layer of fine rock powder stemming from "the ceaseless bombardment of its surface by Solar System debris".[24] This led to the dust being jokingly referred to as "Gold dust"[32] or "Gold's dust".[33] Gold initially suggested that astronauts would sink into the dust, but upon later analysis of impact craters and electrostatic fields, he determined that the astronauts' boots would sink only three centimeters into the Moon's surface. In any case, NASA sent unmanned Surveyors to analyze the conditions on the surface of the Moon. Gold was ridiculed by fellow scientists, not only for his hypothesis, but for the approach he took in communicating NASA's concerns to the American public; in particular, some experts were infuriated with his usage of the term "moon dust" in reference to lunar regolith.[34] When the Apollo 11 crew landed on the Moon in 1969 and brought back the first samples of lunar rocks, researchers found that lunar soil was in fact powdery. Gold said the findings were consistent with his hypothesis, noting that "in one area as they walked along, they sank in between five and eight inches". However, Gold received little credit for his correct prediction, and was even criticized for his original prediction of a deep layer of lunar dust.[24] Gold had also contributed to the Apollo program by designing the Apollo Lunar Surface Closeup Camera (ALSCC) (a kind of stereo camera) used on the Apollo 11, 12, and 14 missions.[24][35]

In the 1970s and 1980s, Gold was a vocal critic of NASA's Space Shuttle program, deriding claims that the agency could fly 50 missions a year or that it could have low budget costs. NASA officials warned Gold that if he testified his concerns before Congress, his research proposals would lose their support from NASA. Gold ignored the warning and testified before a Congressional committee headed by Senator Walter Mondale. In a letter to NASA administrator James C. Fletcher, George Low wrote that "Gold should realize that being funded by the Government and NASA is a privilege, and that it would make little sense for us to fund him as long as his views are what they are now".[36] Gold recalled the aftermath of his testimony in a 1983 interview with astronomy historian David H. DeVorkin:

I had a very hard time with NASA, year after year. I got some more money, but eventually it fizzled out, after three years or so after this event. My applications, which previously each year had always gone through very smoothly, were turned down. I would then have to go to Washington, discuss it with them. and I then would get a certain fraction of it resurrected. For several years running this happened, and then eventually it fizzled permanently, and I've not tried to get any money out of NASA since.
I was certainly regarded as persona non grata with NASA after that. I had a very hard time. Shortly after that Noel Hinners became the Space Science administrator, and he used to joke about it and say, "Oh. Tommy's got to come to his annual pilgrimage to Washington," and regarded it as very funny, but then he'd always give me some money. But always clearly as a persona non grata.[37]

Origins of petroleum[edit]

Tube worms feeding at base of a black smoker hydrothermal vent

Gold first became interested in the origins of petroleum in the 1950s, postulating a theory on the abiogenic formation of fossil fuels. Gold engaged in thorough discussion on the matter with Fred Hoyle, who even included a chapter on "Gold's Pore Theory" in his 1955 book Frontiers in Astronomy.[26][38] In the late 1970s, just as the United States faced another major energy crisis, Gold resurrected his work on petroleum. In 1977, a research submarine near the Galapagos Islands discovered a number of thriving ecosystems down on the ocean floor, living alongside hydrothermal vents. Later expeditions found that these vents were host to a number of organisms, including giant tube worms and albino crabs, that survived off heat-loving chemosynthetic microbes. The discovery of life in this adverse environment led Gold to reconsider the established interpretation of biogenic petroleum formation. Gold believed that "biology is just a branch of thermodynamics" and that the history of life is just "a gradual systematic development toward more efficient ways of degrading energy".[39]

He began his investigation by studying how earthquakes facilitated the migration of methane gas from the deep Earth to the surface.[40] He speculated that a large enough earthquake would fracture the ground, thus opening up an "escape route" for gas. Gold believed that this would explain the number of unusual phenomena associated with earthquakes, such as fires, flares, earthquake lights and gas emissions. With his colleague Steven Soter, Gold constructed a map of the world depicting major oil-producing regions and areas with historical seismic activity. Several oil-rich regions, such as Alaska, Texas, the Caribbean, Mexico, Venezuela, the Persian Gulf, the Urals, Siberia, and Southeast Asia, were found to be lying on major earthquake belts. Gold and Soter suggested that these belts may explain the upward migration of gases through the ground, and subsequently, the production of oil and gas fields.[40][41]

Gold theorized that since petroleum and its component hydrocarbons were present across the entire universe, there was no reason to believe "that on Earth they must be biological in origin".[39] Gold proposed that fuels were trapped inside the core of the Earth in randomized molecular form nearly 4.5 billion years ago. Over time, the extreme heat of the core "sweated" the rocks that contained these molecules, pushing them up through the porous layers of the Earth. As they move up toward the surface, the hydrocarbons fueled the development of large microbial colonies, which served as the basis for life on Earth. The migrating fossil fuels collect biological remnants before becoming trapped in deep underground reservoirs.[39] Soon after Gold started publishing his theories, researchers discovered a number of ecosystems functioning under "conditions of heat and pressure once thought impossible to sustain life". In addition, Gold discovered that the location of major oil-producing regions in the Middle East and southeast Asia was defined by large scale patterns in surface geology and topography, such as deep fault lines. He also pointed to the abundance of helium in oil and gas reserves as evidence for "a deep source of the hydrocarbons".[40] Moreover, a few oil reserves thought to have been exhausted were suddenly generating vast amounts of crude oil.[42] From this, Gold proposed that the Earth may possess a virtually endless supply – suggesting as much as "at least 500 million years' worth of gas" – of fossil fuels.[43][44]

Gold was accused of plagiarizing the abiogenic theory from Soviet geologists who first published it in the 1950s, but the accusations were refuted.[45][46] After first publishing his views on abiogenic petroleum in 1979, Gold began finding the papers on the subject by Soviet geologists and had them translated. He was both disappointed (that his ideas were not original) and delighted (because such independent formulation of these ideas added weight to the hypothesis). He always credited the Soviet work once he knew about it.[4] His 1987 book Power from the Earth devoted five pages to describing important Russian contributions to the field, including those by Mendeleev, Sokoloff, Vernadsky, Kudryavtsev, Beskrovny, Porfir'ev, Kravtsov, Kropotkin, Valyaev, Voronoy, and Chekaliuk.[45]

Drilling in Siljan[edit]

Sweden's Lake Siljan is a large lake created from an eroded impact crater, the Siljan Ring, that was formed by a meteorite impact about 370 million years ago. It was at this lake that Gold proposed as the most likely place to test the hypothesis on the origin of petroleum because it was one of the few places in the world where the granite basement was cracked sufficiently to allow oil to seep up from the mantle.

Gold began testing his theory in 1986 when, with the backing of a group of investors, Vattenfall and the Gas Research Institute, he commenced efforts to drill a deep borehole – named Gravberg-1 – into the earth near Lake Siljan in search of abiogenic gas in the mantle. The region was the site of a large meteor crater, which would have "opened channels deep enough for the methane to migrate upward" and formed deposits in caprock just a few miles beneath the surface.[47] He estimated that the fractures near Lake Siljan reached down nearly 40 kilometres (25 mi) into the earth.[48]

In 1987, approximately 900 barrels (140 m3) of drilling lubricant disappeared nearly 20,000 feet (6,100 m) into the ground, leading Gold to believe that the lubricant had fallen into a methane reservoir.[49] Soon after, the team brought up nearly 100 liters of black oily sludge to the surface. Gold claimed that the sludge contained both oil and remnants of archaebacteria. He argued that "it suggests there is an enormous sphere of life, of biology, at deeper levels in the ground than we have had any knowledge of previously" and that this evidence would "destroy the orthodox argument that since oil contains biological molecules, oil reserves must have derived from biological material". The announcement of Gold's findings was met with mixed reactions, ranging from "furious incredulity" to "deep skepticism".[50] Geochemist Geoffrey P. Glasby speculated that the sludge could have been formed from the Fischer–Tropsch process, a catalyzed chemical reaction in which synthesis gas, a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, is converted into liquid hydrocarbons.[51] Critics also dismissed Gold's archaebacteria finding, stating that "since micro-organisms cannot survive at such depth, the bacteria prove that the well has been contaminated from the surface".[52] Geochemist Paul Philp analyzed the sludge and concluded that he could not differentiate between the samples of sludge and oil seep found in sedimentary shale rocks near the surface. He reasoned that oil had migrated from the shale down to the granite deep in the ground.[53] Gold disputed Philp's finding, believing that the oil and gas could have just as easily migrated up to the surface: "They would have it that the oil and gas we found down there was from the five feet of sediments on the top – had seeped all the way down six kilometres down into the granite. I mean, such complete absurdity: you can imagine sitting there with five feet of soil and six kilometres underneath of dense granitic rock, and that methane produced up there has crawled all the way down in preference to water. Absolute nonsense."[52]

In light of the controversy surrounding the sludge and possible drill contamination, Gold abandoned the project at Gravberg-1, calling it a "complete fiasco", and redesigned the experiment by replacing his oil-based drilling lubricant with a water-based one.[54]

The drill hit oil in the spring of 1989, but only collected about 80 barrels (13 m3). Gold stated, "It was not coming up at a rate at which you could sell it, but it showed there was oil down there." The drill then ran into technical problems and was stopped at a depth of 6.8 kilometres (4.2 mi). The hole was closed, but a second hole was opened for drilling closer to the "center of the impact ring where there was even less sedimentary rock". By October 1991, the drill hit oil 3.8 kilometres (2.4 mi) into the ground, but many skeptics remained unconvinced of the site's prospects.[48][55] One skeptic, Christer Akerman, the chief geologist of the Geological Survey of Sweden, remarked, "[t]here is every reason to stay calm and await the analysis of what they have found. The point is also that they will have to find commercially viable amounts, and it may be a long time before we know if they do."[56] Geologist John R. Castańo concluded that there was insufficient evidence of the mantle as the hydrocarbon source and that it was unlikely that the Siljan site could be used as a commercial gas field.[57] Some skeptics countered Gold's claims by suggesting that the oil found was actually contamination from the drilling.[33] In 2019, a study of gases and secondary carbonate minerals revealed that long-term microbial methanogenesis has occurred in situ deep within the fracture system of the crater (for at least 80 million years) and with an obvious spatial link to seep oils of surficial sedimentary origin,[58] at odds with Gold's theories of deep abiotic gas migration.

The Deep Hot Biosphere[edit]

In a 1992 paper, "The Deep, Hot Biosphere",[59] Gold first suggested that microbial life is widespread in the porosity of the crust of the Earth, down to depths of several kilometers, where rising temperatures finally set a limit. The subsurface life obtains its energy not from photosynthesis but from chemical sources in fluids migrating upwards through the crust. The mass of the deep biosphere may be comparable to that of the surface biosphere. Subsurface life may be widespread on other bodies in the solar system and throughout the universe, even on worlds unaccompanied by other stars.

A 1993 article by journalist William Broad, published in The New York Times and titled "Strange New Microbes Hint at a Vast Subterranean World,"[60] carried Gold's thesis to public attention. The article began, "New forms of microbial life are being discovered in such abundance deep inside the Earth that some scientists are beginning to suspect that the planet has a hidden biosphere extending miles down whose total mass may rival or exceed that of all surface life. If a deep biosphere does exist, scientists say, its discovery will rewrite textbooks while shedding new light on the mystery of life's origins. Even skeptics say the thesis is intriguing enough to warrant new studies of the subterranean realm."

The 1993 article also features how Gold's thesis expands possibilities for astrobiology research: "Dr. Thomas Gold, an astrophysicist at Cornell University known for bold theorizing, has speculated that subterranean life may dot the cosmos, secluded beneath the surfaces of planets and moons and energized by geological processes, with no need for the warming radiation of nearby stars. He wrote in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences last year that the solar system might harbor at least 10 deep biospheres. 'Such life may be widely disseminated in the universe,' he said, 'since planetary type bodies with similar subsurface conditions may be common as solitary objects in space, as well as in other solar-type systems.'"

Gold also published a book of the same title, The Deep Hot Biosphere,[61] in 1999, which expanded on the arguments in his 1992 paper and included speculations on the origin of life and on horizontal gene transfer. According to Gold, bacteria feeding on the oil accounts for the presence of biological debris in hydrocarbon fuels, obviating the need to resort to a biogenic theory for the origin of the latter. The flows of underground hydrocarbons may also explain oddities in the concentration of other mineral deposits. In short, Gold said about the origin of natural hydrocarbons (petroleum and natural gas): Hydrocarbons are not biology reworked by geology (as the traditional view would hold), but rather geology reworked by biology.[45]

Freeman Dyson wrote the foreword to Gold's 1999 book, where he concluded, "Gold's theories are always original, always important, usually controversial — and usually right. It is my belief, based on fifty years of observation of Gold as a friend and colleague, that the deep hot biosphere is all of the above: original, important, controversial — and right."[62] (Dyson also delivered a eulogy at Gold's memorial service, a segment of which pertaining to the deep hot biosphere theory is posted on youtube.)[63]

Following Gold's death, scientific discoveries amplified and also shifted understanding of the deep hot biosphere into what is now generally called deep biosphere. A term Gold coined in his 1999 book carries forward[64] and is a reminder of the worldview shift he advocated.[65] The term is "surface chauvinism". Gold wrote, "In retrospect, it is not hard to understand why the scientific community has typically sought only surface life in the heavens. Scientists have been hindered by a sort of 'surface chauvinism.'".[66]

Academic legacy[edit]

Carl Sagan, hired by Gold after Sagan was denied tenure at Harvard University in 1968

Throughout his academic career, Gold received a number of honors and distinctions. He was a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society (1948), the Royal Society (1964),[4] the American Geophysical Union (1962), the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1974), and the American Astronautical Society, a member of the American Philosophical Society (1972), the United States National Academy of Sciences (1974) and the International Academy of Astronautics, and an Honorary Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge (1986).[67] In addition, he served as President of the New York Astronomical Society from 1981 to 1986.[25] Gold won the John Frederick Lewis Prize from the American Philosophical Society in 1972 for his paper "The Nature of the Lunar Surface: Recent Evidence"[68] and the Humboldt Prize from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in 1979.[67] In 1985, Gold won the prestigious Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society, an award whose recipients include Fred Hoyle, Hermann Bondi, Martin Ryle, Edwin Hubble, James Van Allen, Fritz Zwicky, Hannes Alfvén and Albert Einstein.[69] Gold did not earn a doctorate, but received an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Cambridge University in 1969.[70]

Astrophysicists Geoffrey and Margaret Burbidge remarked that Gold "was one of the outstanding physicists of his time" and that his "versatility was unmatched".[71] In his foreword to Gold's book The Deep Hot Biosphere, theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson stated, "Gold's theories are always original, always important, usually controversial – and usually right."[72]

In the journal Nature, Hermann Bondi wrote "Tommy Gold will long be remembered as a singular scientist who stepped into any field where he thought an option was being overlooked. He was also unusual in working mainly theoretically, but using little mathematics, relying instead on his profound intuitive understanding of physics."[24] Stanley F. Dermott wrote "Tommy was a handsome, charming and generous man and a loyal colleague who formed many long-lasting friendships. A witty and articulate speaker, he was regarded by some as a scientific maverick who delighted in controversy. In reality, he was an iconoclast whose strength was in penetrating analysis of the assumptions on which some of our most important theories are based."[73] Anthony Tucker of The Guardian said, "Throughout his life he would dive into new territory to open up problems unseen by others – in biophysics, astrophysics, space engineering, or geophysics. Controversy followed him everywhere. Possessing profound scientific intuition and open-minded rigour, he usually ended up challenging the cherished assumptions of others and, to the discomfiture of the scientific establishment, often found them wanting. His stature and influence were international."[10] Harvard biologist Stephen Jay Gould labeled Gold as "one of America's most iconoclastic scientists".[39] Gold has been derided by geologists, such as Harmon Craig and John Hunt,[39] who are strongly opposed to Gold's abiogenic petroleum theory. Others had even started campaigns to prevent Gold from publishing his findings.[39]

Žeir eiga bankann, eiga dollarann og eiga allar helstu fjölmišlaleišir, hernašarišnašarflóruna og flesta stjórnmįlamenn, dómara og löggur, segir žessi grein. Žetta er aušvitaš hiš besta fólk, eša eins og viš.


Ķslensk Word tölvu žżšing nešar og ekkert lagaš, segist ekki hafa tķma.




Žeir eiga einkarétt į dollaranum og fęra einfaldlega dollara inn ķ bankabękur sķnar til aš gręša peninga sem žeir lįna okkur svo aftur meš hagnaši. Fyrir žį vaxa peningar ekki į trjįnum, žeir eru einfaldlega gagnafęrsla inn į reikninginn žeirra.

12.7.2022 | 18:47

Skoša betur žessar setningar frį fyrra bloggi.


Žetta eru strengirnir sem stjórna brśšusżningunni

10.7.2022 | 11:06


Bakstjórnin segist hafa völdin 

Ašaleigendur eru śtibś evrópskra starfsstöšva. Śtlendingar stjórna peningaframboši Bandarķkjanna. Žeir eiga bókstaflega einkarétt į dollaranum og slį einfaldlega inn dollara ķ bankabękurnar sķnar til aš gręša peninga sem žeir lįna okkur sķšan aftur meš hagnaši.

Fyrir žį vaxa peningar ekki į trjįm, žaš er einfaldlega gagnafęrsla inn į reikninginn žeirra.


Žżšandi Microsoft Office

Ljóst er aš einkaeignarréttur Bandarķkjadals er langmesti glępur aldarinnar. Eigendur žessa banka hafa stašiš fyrir öllum helstu strķšum og kreppum į sķšustu 100 įrum.

Žeir eiga bankann, eiga dollarann og eiga allar helstu fjölmišlaleišir, hernašarišnašarflóruna og flesta stjórnmįlamenn, dómara og löggur.


Ég er aš missa tökin, engin trśir žvķ lengur aš ég lįni nokkuš, peningur er ašeins skrifuš tala, bókhald.

Žį vil ég eyšileggja alla peningaprentun, peninga bókhald.

Ég er bśin aš taka allan gullforšan,

upp ķ skuldina, sem er engin skuld

og vil lįta alla halda aš žaš einna sem er veršmęti sé gulliš sem ég ręš yfir.


Allt gull ķ heiminum er ekki nema brot af öllum eignum og framkvęmdum ķ heiminum, og ef viš ętlušum aš lįta žaš rįša geršunum žį verša vandręši.


Hvernig getum viš bśiš til fjįrmįlabókhald, fyrir rķkiš, bęjarfélagiš, félögin, ęttirnar og einstaklinginn? 


Allir hugsi. 


Egilsstašir, 12.07.2022   Jónas Gunnlaugsson


 Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 19:10 | Slóš |  Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)

Word tölvu žżšing og ekkert lagaš.


Žetta eru strengirnir sem stjórna brśšusżningunni

10.7.2022 | 11:06

Bitterroot Bugle

fréttir, fréttaskżringar, aktķvismi, frelsi og heišur ķ Bitterroot


By Ted Dunlap, į mars 19, 2013

Žetta var umfangsmikiš verkefni. Ég missti įn efa af flestu af žvķ og fékk lķklega nokkur smįatriši rangt, en žś getur fengiš heilmikiš af "What the heck happened to our money, our free country and our world" hérna. Ég hvet ykkur eindregiš til aš deila. Ég mun nota žetta sem tilvķsunarverk ķ langan tķma. Ég hvet ykkur til aš gera žaš lķka.

Žetta eru strengirnir sem stjórna brśšusżningunni

48 f.Kr.
Jślķus Sesar tók aftur af peningaskiptamönnunum vald til aš mynta peninga og sló sķšan mynt ķ žįgu allra. Meš žessu nżja, mikla peningamagni kom hann į fót mörgum stórfelldum framkvęmdum og byggši upp frįbęrar opinberar framkvęmdir. Meš žvķ aš gręša peninga rķkulega vann Sesar įst almśgans.

En peningaskiptin hötušu hann fyrir žaš og žess vegna var Sesar myrtur. Strax eftir moršiš į honum kom andlįt mikils fjįr ķ Róm, skattar hękkušu, sem og spilling. Į endanum minnkaši peningamagn Rómverja um 90 prósent sem varš til žess aš almśginn missti lönd sķn og heimili.

Eftir kostnašarsama röš strķša sķšustu 50 įrin fara enskir embęttismenn, cap in hand, til peningaskiptamannanna vegna lįna sem naušsynleg eru til aš fylgja eftir pólitķskum tilgangi sķnum. Peningaskiptamennirnir eru sammįla um aš leysa žennan vanda ķ skiptum fyrir rķkissjóš sem sankaši aš sér banka ķ einkaeigu sem gęti gefiš śt peninga sem yršu til śr engu. Englandsbanki myndi lįna embęttismönnum eins mikiš af hinum nżja gjaldmišli og žeir vildu, svo framarlega sem žeir tryggšu sér skuldina meš beinni skattlagningu bresku žjóšarinnar. Englandsbanki nam hvorki meira né minna en löglegri fölsun innlends gjaldmišils ķ einkahagnaši

Benjamin Franklin er bešinn af embęttismönnum Englandsbanka aš śtskżra velmegun nżlendnanna ķ Amerķku. Hann svarar: "Žaš er einfalt. Ķ nżlendunum gefum viš śt okkar eigin peninga. Žaš er kallaš Colonial Scrip. Viš gefum žaš śt ķ réttu hlutfalli viš kröfur višskipta og išnašar til aš lįta vörurnar fara aušveldlega frį framleišendum til neytenda. Meš žessum hętti aš bśa til fyrir okkur okkar eigin pappķrspeninga, viš stjórnum kaupmętti žess og höfum enga hagsmuni af žvķ aš borga neinum."

Ķ kjölfar yfirlżsingar Franklins samžykkti breska žingiš ķ flżti gjaldeyrislögin frį 1764. Žetta bannaši nżlenduherrum aš gefa śt eigin peninga og skipaši žeim aš greiša alla framtķšarskatta ķ gull- eša silfurpeningum. Meš vķsan til žess aš eftir aš žessi lög voru samžykkt myndi Franklin taka eftirfarandi fram ķ sjįlfsęvisögu sinni,

"Į einu įri voru ašstęšur svo snśnar viš aš tķmum velmegunar lauk og kreppan setti strik ķ reikninginn, ķ svo miklum męli aš götur nżlendnanna fylltust af atvinnulausum... Nżlendurnar hefšu gjarna boriš litla skattinn į te og önnur mįl ef ekki hefši veriš aš England hefši tekiš frį nżlendum fé sitt sem skapaši atvinnuleysi og óįnęgju.

Lķfvęnleiki nżlenduherranna til aš fį völd til aš gefa śt eigin peninga til frambśšar śr höndum Georgs III konungs og alžjóšlegu bankamannanna var ašalįstęšan fyrir byltingarstrķšinu."

Sjįlfstęši Bandarķkjanna – Frjįls bankastarfsemi -enginn formlegur sešlabanki.

Thomas Jefferson var ómyrkur ķ mįli: "Ég trśi žvķ einlęglega aš žęr bankastofnanir sem hafa śtgįfuvald peninga séu hęttulegri frelsinu en standandi herir"

Fékk Hamilton žingiš til aš samžykkja forsendulögin žar sem alrķkisstjórnin tók viš skuldum rķkja. Įriš 1791 skipulagši žingiš Banka Bandarķkjanna. Žingiš samžykkir myntlögin įriš 1792 sem koma į fót bandarķskri myntslįttu. Hamilton sagši af sér embętti fjįrmįlarįšherra įriš 1793. Greint er frį žvķ aš Hamilton hafi fengiš greitt frį Rothschild fjölskyldunni fyrir žessa žjónustu.

Žessi banki varš til eftir įr af mikilli umręšu og fékk 20 įra skipulagsskrį. Žaš fékk einokun į prentun į gjaldmišli Bandarķkjanna žótt 80% af hlutabréfum žess vęru ķ eigu einkafjįrfesta. Hin 20% voru keypt af bandarķkjastjórn, en žaš var ekki til aš gefa žvķ stykki ef ašgeršin, heldur til aš śtvega fjįrmagn fyrir einkafjįrfestana til aš kaupa hin 80%.

Lķkt og hjį Englandsbanka og gamla Noršur-Amerķkubanka greiddu žessir einkafjįrfestar aldrei alla umsamda upphęš fyrir hlutabréf sķn. Žaš sem geršist var ķ gegnum sviksamlegt kerfi brotakenndrar varasjóšsbankastarfsemi, 20% hlut rķkisins sem var 2.000.000 dollarar ķ reišufé, var notašur til aš veita einkafjįrfestum sķnum lįn til aš kaupa hinn 80% hlutinn, 8.000.000 pund, fyrir žessa įhęttulausu fjįrfestingu.

Aftur eins og Englandsbanki og gamli Bank of North America, nafniš, "Fyrsti banki Bandarķkjanna", var vķsvitandi vališ til aš fela fyrir almśganum žį stašreynd aš hann var ķ einkaeigu. Nöfn fjįrfesta ķ žessum banka voru aldrei opinberuš, žótt almennt sé tališ aš Rothschild-hjónin hafi stašiš aš baki honum.

Var lagt fram frumvarp fyrir žingiš um endurnżjun stofnskrįr fyrsta bankans ķ Bandarķkjunum. Löggjafaržing bęši Pennsylvanķu og Virginķu samžykkja įlyktanir žar sem žingiš er bešiš um aš drepa bankann. Innlendir fjölmišlar rįšast opinskįtt į bankann og kalla hann: mikinn svindl; hręgammur; viper; og kóbra.

Nathan Rothschild kemst inn ķ verknašinn og gefur eftirfarandi afhjśpandi yfirlżsingu um hver hafi raunverulega stašiš aš baki fyrsta banka Bandarķkjanna: "Annaš hvort er sótt um endurnżjun sįttmįlans veitt eša Bandarķkin munu lenda ķ hörmulegasta strķši."

Žingiš neitaši aš endurnżja stofnskrį fyrir Sešlabanka Bandarķkjanna & bankinn er lokašur.

Strķšiš brżst śt viš Bretland.

sendi Nathan Rothschild traustan sendiboša aš nafni Rothworth til Waterloo žar sem hann dvaldi į jašri vķgvallarins. Žegar bardaginn var įkvešinn fór Rothworth į flug fyrir Ermarsundiš og flutti Nathan Rothschild fréttir af sigri Wellingtons heilum sólarhring fyrir sendiboša Wellingtons sjįlfs.

Nathan Rothschild flżtti sér į hlutabréfamarkašinn ķ London og stóš ķ sinni venjulegu stöšu. Allra augu beindust aš honum žar sem Rothschild var meš gošsagnakennt fjarskiptanet. Rothschild stóš žarna ķ leit aš forlorn og byrjaši skyndilega aš selja. Hinir kaupmennirnir töldu aš žetta žżddi aš hann hefši heyrt aš Napóleon hefši unniš svo žeir fóru allir aš seljast ofbošslega.

Markašurinn hrapaši ķ kjölfariš, fljótlega voru allir aš selja ręšismenn sķna (bresk rķkisskuldabréf), en žį fór Rothschild leynilega aš kaupa žį alla upp ķ gegnum umbošsmenn sķna į gólfinu, fyrir brot af žvķ sem žeir voru žess virši ašeins nokkrum klukkustundum įšur. Hęgt var aš breyta mörgum žessara ręšismanna ķ hlutabréf Englandsbanka og žannig tók Rothschild viš yfirrįšum yfir Englandsbanka og žar meš breska peningamagninu.

Annar banki Bandarķkjanna er heimilašur, var löggiltur 1816 og opnašur 1817.

Eftir 12 įr žar sem annar banki Bandarķkjanna, hagręddi bandarķsku efnahagslķfi miskunnarlaust til skaša en til hagsbóta fyrir eigin peninga sem gripu til enda, hafši bandarķska žjóšin óvęnt fengiš nóg. Andstęšingar žessa banka tilnefndu Andrew Jackson öldungadeildaržingmann frį Tennessee til aš bjóša sig fram til forseta.

Til mikillar skelfingar vann Jackson forsetaembęttiš og gerši žaš alveg ljóst aš hann ętlaši aš drepa žennan banka viš fyrsta tękifęri. Hann byrjaši į fyrsta kjörtķmabili sķnu ķ embętti, aš uppręta bankana mörgum minions śr rķkisžjónustunni. Til aš sżna fram į hversu djśpt žetta krabbamein įtti rętur aš rekja til rķkisstjórnarinnar rak hann 2.000 af 11.000 starfsmönnum alrķkisstjórnarinnar.

Jackson fjarlęgši allar innstęšur rķkisins śr öšrum banka Rothschild ķ Bandarķkjunum Ķ desember įriš 1834 lżsti Jackson forseti žvķ yfir aš skuldir rķkisins yršu greiddar. Nęsta mįnuš var gerš morštilraun į Jackson.

"Bankinn, er aš reyna aš drepa mig, en ég mun drepa hann! Žś ert bęli af vipers og žjófum. Ég ętla aš ryšja yšur śt, og fyrir hinn eilķfa Guš mun ég ryšja žér śt."

Hnekkti žingiš, Jackson lokaši Banka Bandarķkjanna og sagši: "Sś djörfu višleitni sem nśverandi banki hafši gert til aš stjórna rķkisstjórninni eru ašeins fyrirbošar um örlögin sem bķša bandarķsku žjóšarinnar ef žeir verša blekktir til frambśšar į žessari stofnun eša stofnun annarrar eins. "

Hinn 8. janśar greišir Jackson forseti endanlega afborgun rķkisskulda, sem naušsynlegt hafši veriš meš žvķ aš leyfa bönkunum aš gefa śt gjaldeyri fyrir rķkisskuldabréf, frekar en aš gefa einfaldlega śt rķkisbréf įn slķkra skulda.  Hann var eini forsetinn sem greiddi skuldina.

Žann 30. janśar reyndi moršingi aš nafni Richard Lawrence aš skjóta Jackson forseta en bįšir skammbyssurnar fóru illa meš hann. Lawrence var sķšar fundinn saklaus vegna gešveiki. Eftir aš hann var lįtinn laus montaši hann sig hins vegar opinskįtt af žvķ aš valdamikiš fólk ķ Evrópu hefši sett hann ķ verkiš og lofaš aš vernda hann ef hann nęši tökum į honum.

Žegar Jackson forseti var spuršur hvert mikilvęgasta afrek hans hefši veriš ķ lķfinu sagši hann hiklaust: "Ég drap bankann!"

Žingmannafrumvörp um stofnun nżs rķkisbanka voru tvķvegis neituš af Tyler forseta.

Zachary Taylor 12. forseti Bandarķkjanna "Ekkert land gęti dafnaš įn žess aš geta sjįlfstętt dómskerfi og traustan gjaldmišil". Hugmyndin um rķkisbanka "er dauš og veršur ekki endurvakin į mķnum tķma."

Taylor dó eftir aš hafa boršaš skįl af kirsuberjum og mjólk ... oršrómur er um aš hann hafi veriš drepinn af arsenikeitrun.

James Buchanan, 15. forseti Bandarķkjanna, var andvķgur sešlabanka ķ einkaeigu. Hann žjįšist af arsenikeitrun en žrjįtķu og įtta ašrir į veislunni dóu.

Lincoln sagši: "Peningaveldin brįšna į žjóšinni į tķmum frišar og samsęris gegn henni į tķmum mótlętis. Bankavaldiš er afdrifarķkara en konungsveldi, ósvķfnara en sjįlfręši, eigingjarnara en skrifręši. Žeir fordęma sem opinbera óvini alla sem efast um ašferšir sķnar eša varpa ljósi į glępi sķna. Ég į tvo stóra óvini, Sušurnesjaherinn fyrir framan mig og bankamennina aš aftan. Af žessu tvennu er sį sem er aš aftan į mér mesti fjandmašur minn.

Ķ febrśar 1863
kom žingiš į fót öšru rķkisbankakerfi. Bankamennirnir ętlušu aš rukka į bilinu 24% til 36% vexti fyrir peninga til aš fjįrmagna strķšiš. Til aš koma ķ veg fyrir vextina pantaši Lincoln prentun į 450 milljónum dala ķ bankasešla sem bandarķsk stjórnvöld tryggšu.

14. aprķl 1865
var Lincoln myrtur og žingiš afturkallaši Greenback-lögin og setti ķ staš žeirra lög um bankastarfsemi sem styšja innlenda banka ķ einkaeigu. Samstarfsmenn moršingja Lincolns forseta voru aš sögn margra į launaskrį Rothschild-hjónanna. Žjóšinni var hent ķ stöšugar skuldir og greiddi vexti til bankamanna sem sköpušu reišufé. Eftir moršiš į Lincoln varš Andrew Johnson, sem margir hafa sżnt aš tók žįtt ķ moršinu, forseti.

  1. desember 1865
    Var nż žrettįnda breyting fullgilt žar sem litiš var framhjį fyrirliggjandi rétt fullgiltri 13. višauka sem felldi nišur rķkisborgararétt einstaklinga sem sóru öšrum žjóšum eša leynifélögum hollustu.

Ernest Seyd er sendur til Amerķku ķ leišangur frį Rothschild-hluta Englandsbanka. Hann fęr 100.000 dollara sem hann į aš nota til aš mśta eins mörgum žingmönnum og žörf krefur, ķ žeim tilgangi aš fį silfur demonetized, eins og žaš hafši fundist ķ miklu magni į Vesturlöndum Amerķku, sem myndi éta inn ķ hagnaš Rothschild.

eyddi Ernest Seyd augljóslega peningum sķnum skynsamlega, žegar žingiš samžykkir, "Myntlögin", sem leiša til žess aš slįtrun silfurdala er skyndilega stöšvuš. Ennfremur višurkenndi Samuel Hooper, fulltrśi, sem lagši frumvarpiš fram ķ hśsinu, meira aš segja aš Ernest Seyd hefši ķ raun samiš löggjöfina.

Vegna mešferšar į peningamagninu ķ Amerķku er žrišjungur vinnuaflsins atvinnulaus og órói fer vaxandi.

Óeiršir brjótast śt frį Pittsburgh til Chicago. Bankamennirnir koma saman til aš įkveša hvaš žeir eigi aš gera og žeir įkvįšu aš hanga į, žar sem žeir vissu aš žrįtt fyrir ofbeldiš voru žeir nś komnir aftur ķ stjórn. Žeir samžykktu "... aš žś munir einnig halda eftir verndarvęng frį öllum umsękjendum sem eru ekki tilbśnir aš vera į móti rķkismįlinu af peningum.... Aš fella śr gildi lögin sem bśa til bankasešla, eša koma aftur į dreifingu peninga, veršur aš veita fólkinu peninga og mun žvķ hafa alvarleg įhrif į einstaklingsbundinn hagnaš okkar sem bankamanna og lįnveitenda. Sjįšu žingmanninn žinn strax og fįšu hann til aš styšja viš hagsmuni okkar um aš viš megum stjórna löggjöf."

James A. Garfield forseti var vķgšur įriš 1881 og sagši "Sį sem stjórnar peningamagni ķ hvaša landi sem er er alger meistari ķ öllum išnaši og verslun".

  1. jślķ 1881
    var Garfield skotinn, hann deyr 19. september.

Peningaskiptin eyddu sķšasta įratugnum ķ aš skapa efnahagslegar uppsveiflur og sķšan lęgšir, svo aš žeir gętu keypt upp žśsundir heimila og jarša fyrir smįaura į dollaranum. Žeir voru aš bśa sig undir aš taka hagkerfiš nišur į nż į nęstunni og ķ įtakanlegu minnisblaši sem bandarķsku bankamannasamtökin sendu frį sér, sem įtti eftir aš koma śt ķ žingmannaskrįnni rśmum tuttugu įrum sķšar, kemur eftirfarandi fram:"1. september 1894 munum viš ekki endurnżja lįnin okkar til neinnar skošunar. Žann 1. september munum viš krefjast fjįrmuna okkar. Viš munum afsala okkur og verša aš vešlįnum ķ vörslu. Viš getum tekiš tvo žrišju hluta bęjanna vestan Mississippi og žśsundir žeirra austan Mississippi lķka, į okkar eigin verši... Žį verša bęndurnir leigjendur eins og ķ Englandi...,"

Rothschilds/Samuel olķusamningur hófst.

Skeljaolķa Samśels Murex siglir um Sśesskuršinn. Įri sķšar bętir Shell Oil viš 10 tankskipum til višbótar ķ flotann.

Alphonse de Rothschild hittir Standard Oil (Rockefeller) til aš ręša cartel.

Theodore Hertzel byrjar herferš Sķonista til aš stofna Ķsrael. Rothschild vildi vernda olķuhagsmuni sķna en žeir žurftu pólitķskan og hernašarlegan varšhund yfir Sśesskuršinn og Ķsraelsrķki var stofnaš. Žeir vildu herskįan og bardagahertan Ķsrael og engar armbeygjur.

William McKinley forseti. Lagalega verkfęriš sem McKinley forseti og Sherman notušu gegn evrópsku bankamönnunum voru lögin sem kölluš voru "Sherman Antitrust Act" sem fyrst voru fęrš til aš bera gegn Rothschild studdu og fjįrmögnušu JP Morgan fjįrmįlaveldiš sem kallast Northern Trust sem seint į 1800 įtti nęr allar jįrnbrautir Bandarķkjanna.

  1. september 1901
    McKinley forseti er skotinn af moršingja, hann deyr 14. september.
  2. september 1901
    veršur Theodore Roosevelt forseti. Eitt af fyrstu verkum Roosevelts var aš falla frį mįlaferlum Bandarķkjastjórnar gegn Northern Trust og flżta fyrir bandarķskri öld sem kallast "Manifest Destiny" sem heldur įfram enn žann dag ķ dag og gefur žessum sešlabankastjórum ķ rauninni "vald" til aš ręna öllum heiminum ķ hagnašarskyni og hagnast umfram allt annaš.
  3. aprķl 1912
    Sķšasta tękifęriš til aš koma ķ veg fyrir įętlun Evrópurķkja um stofnun Sešlabanka ķ Bandarķkjunum lauk meš žvķ aš breskir śtsendarar sökktu RMS Titanic vķsvitandi af breskum śtsendurum sem drįpu einn skipunarmešlimanna sem hétu Major Archibald Willingham Butt įsamt bandarķsku višskiptajöfrunum John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim og Isidor Straus sem voru aš snśa aftur til Bandarķkjanna frį Stóra-Bretlandi eftir žaš sem žeir töldu aš vęri vel heppnuš "samningavišręšur" viš Rothschild-hjónin um aš "lįta Bandarķkin ķ friši" undir "strķšsógn"

Žegar sķšustu "hindrunum" var rutt śr vegi žvķ aš stofna Sešlabanka ķ Bandarķkjunum meš žvķ aš sökkva Titanic neyddust evrópsku bankaveldin ķ gegnum bandarķska réttarkerfiš žaš sem kallaš er Federal Reserve Act frį 1913 (aka: Veran frį Jekyll-eyju).

Ķ skyldum til hlišar, meš andlįti Astors, missti Nikola Tesla styrktarašila sinn. Uppfinningar hans ollu alvarlegri samkeppni viš flökkuolķu- og raforkuframleišsluišnašinn. Viš munum aldrei vita hvaš viš og heimurinn töpušum ķ Noršur-Atlantshafi, en sumir nįšu gķfurlega góšum įrangri.

Ķ skiptum fyrir fjįrhagslegan stušning viš forsetaframboš sitt samžykkti Woodrow Wilson aš ef hann nęši kjöri myndi hann skrifa undir sešlabankalögin. Ķ desember 1913, žegar margir žingmenn voru heima um jólin, voru lög um sešlabanka rambaš ķ gegnum žingiš og undirrituš af Wilson forseta. Varšandi gjöršir sķnar višurkenndi Wilson sķšar. "Ég hef óafvitandi eyšilagt landiš mitt".

Sešlabankinn varš aš lögum daginn fyrir ašfangadagskvöld, įriš 1913, og skömmu sķšar sendu žżsku alžjóšlegu bankamennirnir, Kuhn, Loeb og Co. einn af félögum sķnum hingaš til aš reka hann

Upphaf fyrri heimsstyrjaldar. Ķ žessu strķši lįnušu žżsku Rothschild-hjónin Žjóšverjum peninga, bresku Rothschild-hjónin lįnušu Bretum peninga og frönsku Rothschild-hjónin lįnušu Frökkum peninga.

varš J. P. Morgan söluašili fyrir, "War Materials Board", bęši fyrir Breta og Frakka sem stundušu fyrri heimsstyrjöldina, og veršur stęrsti neytandinn į jöršinni og eyddi 10 milljónum dollara į dag. Ennfremur skipaši Woodrow Wilson forseti bankamanninn, Bernard Baruch, til aš stżra"Strķšsišnašarrįšinu". Aš sögn sagnfręšingsins, James Perloff, hagnašust bęši Bernard Baruch og Rockefellers um žaš bil 200 milljónir dollara ķ fyrri heimsstyrjöldinni.

  1. maķ 1915
    Žżskur U-bįtur tundurskeyti og sökkti RMS Lusitania, bresku hafskipi į leiš frį New York til Liverpool į Englandi. Af žeim rśmlega 1.900 faržegum og įhafnarmešlimum sem voru um borš fórust meira en 1.100 manns, žar af rśmlega 120 Bandarķkjamenn.

Žżska sendirįšiš hafši sett heilsķšuauglżsingu viš hlišina į auglżsingu Lusitania žar sem Bandarķkjamenn voru varašir viš žvķ aš feršast ekki um bresk fįnaskip. Skipstjórinn į Lusitania hunsaši tilmęli breska ašmķrįlsins um aš foršast U-bįtasvęšiš aš öllu leyti eša aš minnsta kosti hlaupa į miklum hraša og stżra sikk-zag nįmskeiši. Bretar fylgdu ekki Lusitania né rįku hana ķ bķlalest eins og venjan var. Ķ ljós kom aš Lusitania var meš um 173 tonn af strķšssprengjum fyrir Bretland. Žessi söknušur var notašur sem réttlęting fyrir žvķ aš Bandarķkin kęmust inn ķ strķšiš.

Wilson forseti fór aš įtta sig į alvarleika žess skaša sem hann hafši valdiš Bandarķkjunum meš žvķ aš leysa Sešlabankann śr lęšingi į bandarķsku žjóšinni. Hann sagši:

"Viš erum komin til aš vera ein sś versta sem stjórnaš er, ein fullkomnasta stjórnin ķ hinum sišmenntaša heimi – ekki lengur rķkisstjórn frjįlsra skošana, ekki lengur rķkisstjórn af ... atkvęši meirihlutans, en rķkisstjórn aš mati og dylgjum fįmenns hóps rįšandi manna.

Sumir af stęrstu mönnum Bandarķkjanna, į sviši verslunar og framleišslu, eru hręddir viš eitthvaš. Žeir vita aš žaš er kraftur einhvers stašar svo skipulagšur, svo lśmskur, svo vakandi, svo samtengdur, svo heill, svo śtbreiddur, aš žeir höfšu betur ekki talaš ofar andardrętti sķnum žegar žeir tala ķ fordęmingu um žaš."

Peningaskiptamennirnir fyrirgįfu aldrei tsarum Rśsslands fyrir aš vera bįšir stöšugt į móti beišni žeirra um aš stofna sešlabanka ķ Rśsslandi, sem og stušning žeirra viš Lincoln forseta ķ borgarastyrjöldinni. Žess vegna eyddi Jacob Schiff, Rothschild, 20 milljónum dollara ķ gegnum fyrirtęki sitt, Kuhn, Loeb &Co., ķ aš fjįrmagna rśssnesku byltinguna.

Žaš er almennt tališ aš kommśnismi sé andstęša kapķtalismans, svo hvers vegna ęttu žessir kapķtalistar aš styšja hann? Virtur rannsakandi, Gary Allen, śtskżrir žaš į eftirfarandi hįtt: "Ef mašur skilur aš sósķalismi er ekki deiliskipulag, en žaš er ķ raun ašferš til aš treysta og stjórna aušnum, žį veršur aš žvķ er viršist žversögn ofurrķkra manna sem stušla aš sósķalisma alls engin žversögn. Ķ stašinn veršur žaš rökrétt, jafnvel hiš fullkomna verkfęri valds sem leitar aš megalómaniacs. Kommśnismi, eša réttara sagt sósķalismi, er ekki hreyfing hins nišurnķdda fjöldans heldur efnahagselķtunnar."

Ķ janśar fer frišarrįšstefnan ķ Parķs fram eftir lok fyrri heimsstyrjaldar. Bankamennirnir setja Heimsstjórnina efst į dagskrį og Paul Warburg og Bernard Baruch męta į žessa rįšstefnu meš Wilson forseta. Bankamönnunum til mikillar skelfingar var heimurinn ekki enn tilbśinn aš leysa upp landamęri og samžykkja heimsstjórnina, svo aš hluti af įętlun žeirra hafši mistekist. Įętlunin um heimsstjórnina var kölluš, "Žjóšabandalagiš", og žótt margar žjóšir samžykktu žessa tillögu vildi Bandarķkjažing ekki styšja hana og žar meš įn stušnings fjįrmuna śr rķkissjóši Bandarķkjanna höfšu bankamennirnir brugšist og Žjóšabandalagiš dįiš.

Hinn 2. įgśst lést Warren Harding forseti ķ lest viš dularfullar ašstęšur. Orsökin var żmist gefin sem matareitrun eša heilablóšfall žótt engin krufning hafi veriš framkvęmd. Hann tók viš af varaforseta sķnum Calvin Coolidge. Coolidge forseti hélt įfram skattalękkun Harding og tollahękkunarstefnu. Žessi stefna tókst svo vel aš hagkerfiš hélt įfram aš vaxa og žęr miklu skuldir sambandsrķkisins sem byggšar voru upp ķ fyrri heimsstyrjöldinni, undir stjórn Harding og Coolidge, lękkušu um 38% nišur ķ 16 milljarša dollara.

Žaš var žį sem Sešlabankinn byrjaši aš flęša yfir landiš meš peningum og jók peningamagniš um 62%.

Ķ aprķl 1929
sendi Paul Warburg frį sér leynilega višvörun til vina sinna um aš fyrirhugaš hefši veriš aš hrynja og lęgš į landsvķsu sķšar sama įr. Žaš er vissulega engin tilviljun aš ęvisögur allra Wall Street risanna į žeim tķma: John D. Rockefeller; J. P. Morgan; Joseph Kennedy; Bernard Baruch; o.fl., allir undrušust žaš aš žetta fólk komst alveg śt af hlutabréfamarkašnum rétt fyrir hrun og setti eignir sķnar ķ reišufé eša gull.

Žannig aš eins og allir bankamennirnir og vinir žeirra vissu žegar, ķ įgśst fór Sešlabankinn aš herša peningamagniš. Sķšan žann 24.október hringdu stóru bankamennirnir ķ New York ķ sólarhringsmišlara sinn ķ sķmtalalįn. Žetta žżddi aš bęši veršbréfamišlararnir og višskiptavinir žeirra žurftu aš losa sig viš hlutabréf sķn į hlutabréfamarkaši til aš standa straum af lįnum sķnum, óhįš žvķ hvaša verš žeir žurftu aš selja žau fyrir. Ķ kjölfar žessa hrundi hlutabréfamarkašurinn į degi sem įtti eftir aš fara ķ sögubękurnar sem: "Svartur fimmtudagur".

Į örfįum vikum frį hrundegi hurfu 3 milljaršar dollara af auši. Innan įrs hvarf 40 milljaršar dollara af auši. Žaš hvarf žó ekki einfaldlega, žaš endaši bara meš žvķ aš žaš var sameinaš ķ fęrri og fęrri hendur, eins og til stóš. Dęmi um žetta er Joseph P. Kennedy, fašir John F. Kennedy. Įriš 1929 var hann 4 milljóna dollara virši (hann hafši "žénaš sér inn aš selja įfengi ķ Chicago į mešan į banni stóš). Įriš 1935 hafši žaš aukist ķ rśmlega 100 milljónir dollara.

Žvķ var einnig variš erlendis, žvķ į mešan kreppan mikla įtti sér staš var milljónum Bandarķkjadala variš ķ aš endurreisa Žżskaland vegna tjóns sem varš ķ fyrri heimsstyrjöldinni, til undirbśnings bankamönnunum ķ seinni heimsstyrjöldinni. Repśblikaninn Louis T. McFadden, formašur banka- og gjaldeyrisnefndar fulltrśadeildarinnar frį 1920 til 1931, sagši eftirfarandi ķ tengslum viš žetta,

"Eftir fyrri heimsstyrjöldina féll Žżskaland ķ hendur žżsku alžjóšlegu bankamannanna. Žessir bankamenn keyptu hana og nś eiga žeir hana, lęsa, lager og tunnu. Žeir hafa keypt atvinnugreinar hennar, žeir eru meš hśsnęšislįn į jaršvegi hennar, žeir stjórna framleišslu hennar, žeir stjórna öllum opinberum veitum hennar. Alžjóšlegu žżsku bankamennirnir hafa nišurgreitt nśverandi rķkisstjórn Žżskalands og žeir hafa einnig lagt til hverja krónu af žeim peningum sem Adolph Hitler hefur notaš ķ ķburšarmikilli herferš sinni til aš byggja upp ógn viš stjórnvöld ķ Bruening. Žegar Bruening hlżšir ekki fyrirmęlum žżsku alžjóšabankamannanna er Hitler fenginn til aš hręša Žjóšverja til undirgefni...

Ķ gegnum sešlabankastjórnina yfir 30 milljarša dollara af bandarķskum peningum ... hefur veriš dęlt inn ķ Žżskaland... Žiš hafiš öll heyrt um eyšsluna sem hefur įtt sér staš ķ Žżskalandi ... módernķskar ķbśšir, frįbęru stjörnuverin hennar, ķžróttahśsin, sundlaugarnar, fķnu almenningsvegirnir hennar, fullkomnu verksmišjurnar hennar. Allt žetta var gert į peningunum okkar. Allt žetta var gefiš Žżskalandi ķ gegnum sešlabankastjórnina. Stjórn Sešlabankans... hefur dęlt svo mörgum milljöršum dollara inn ķ Žżskaland aš žeir žora ekki aš nefna heildina."

Bank for International Settlements (BIS) var stofnašur af Charles G. Dawes (Rothschild umbošsmanni og varaforseta undir stjórn Calvin Coolidge forseta frį 1925-1929), Owen D. Young (Rothschild umbošsmanni, stofnanda RCA og stjórnarformanni General Electric frį 1922 til 1939) og Hjalmar Schacht frį Žżskalandi (forseti Reichsbank).

Bis er vķsaš til bankamannanna sem: "Sešlabanki sešlabanka sešlabanka" (e. Central bank for the central banks). Į mešan ALŽJÓŠAGJALDEYRISSJÓŠURINN og Alžjóšabankinn eiga ķ samskiptum viš rķkisstjórnir fjallar BIS ašeins um ašra sešlabanka. Allir fundir hennar eru haldnir ķ leyni og taka žįtt ķ helstu sešlabankastjórum vķšsvegar aš śr heiminum. Til dęmis myndi fyrrverandi yfirmašur Sešlabankans, Alan Greenspan, fara til höfušstöšva BIS ķ Basel ķ Sviss, tķu sinnum į įri į žessa einkafundi.

Louis T. McFadden, fulltrśi repśblikana ķ Pennsylvanķu, fyrrverandi formašur banka- og gjaldeyrisnefndar fulltrśadeildarinnar ķ kreppunni miklu, segir:

"Viš erum meš hér į landi eina spilltustu stofnun sem heimurinn hefur kynnst. Ég vķsa til sešlabankastjórnar... Žessi vonda stofnun hefur impoverished ... ķbśar Bandarķkjanna... og hefur nįnast gert rķkisstjórn okkar gjaldžrota. Žaš hefur gert žetta ķ gegnum ... spillt vinnubrögš hinna fjįrmögnušu hręgamma sem stjórna žvķ."

Hinn 3. október er eitraš fyrir žingmanni Repśblikanaflokksins, Louis T McFadden, formanni banka- og gjaldeyrisnefndar fulltrśadeildarinnar, frį 1920 til 1931. Žetta var žrišja morštilraunin į lķfi hans, hann hafši oršiš fyrir fyrri eitrun og hafši lįtiš skjóta į hann skotum.

Ķ Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, Alžjóšagjaldeyrissjóšnum (AGS) og Alžjóšabankanum (upphaflega kallašur Alžjóšabankinn um endurreisn og žróun eša IBRD – nafniš, "Alžjóšabankinn", var ķ raun ekki tekiš upp fyrr en 1975), voru samžykktir meš fullri žįtttöku Bandarķkjanna. Dollarinn er stofnašur sem "Heimsgjaldmišillinn" sem nota į ķ staš góšmįlma. Žetta gerir Sešlabankanum kleift aš prenta og selja veldisvķsisupphęšir dollara śr lausu lofti til aš fylla sešlabanka um allan heim.

Ennfremur gerir Bretton Woods samningurinn sešlabankastjórum kleift aš hagręša öllu hagkerfi heimsins meš žvķ aš auka og minnka framboš dollara eins og žeir kjósa.

Annaš, "Žjóšabandalagiš", sem nś hefur fengiš nafniš "Sameinušu žjóširnar", var samžykkt. Bankamennirnir, sķšari heimsstyrjöldin, höfšu gengiš vel aš žessu sinni vegna žeirrar lķkamlegu, tilfinningalegu og andlegu örmögnunar sem heimurinn hafši fundiš fyrir eftir enn eina heimsstyrjöldina. Žessi teikning fyrir heimsstjórnina myndi brįtt hafa sitt eigiš alžjóšlega dómskerfi lķka.

  1. jśnķ 1963
    Undirritaši Kennedy forseti forsetatilskipun, framkvęmdaskipun 11110. Žessi skipan svipti Sešlabankann nįnast valdi sķnu til aš lįna Bandarķkjastjórn peninga į vöxtum. Kennedy forseti lżsti žvķ yfir aš Sešlabankinn ķ einkaeigu yrši brįtt kominn ķ žrot. Žessi fyrirmęli veittu fjįrmįlarįšuneytinu heimild til aš gefa śt silfurskķrteini gegn hvers kyns silfri ķ rķkissjóši. Žetta framkvęmdaleyfi stendur enn ķ dag.
  2. nóvember 1963
    Į innan viš fimm mįnušum eftir undirritun žess aš Kennedy forseti var myrtur ķ forsetaskipuninni. The United States Notes (silfurvottorš) sem hann hafši gefiš śt voru teknar śr umferš strax. Sešlabankabréfin héldu įfram aš žjóna sem löglegur gjaldmišill žessarar žjóšar. Tališ er aš 99% af öllum bandarķskum pappķrsgjaldmišli sem var ķ umferš įriš 1999 séu Sešlabankabréf.

Allt hiš hreina gull hafši veriš flutt leynilega frį Fort Knox, selt alžjóšlegum peningaskiptum fyrir 35 dollara į śnsuverši, og er tališ aš žaš sé nś geymt ķ London.

Til aš bregšast viš kröfu Charles deGaul Frakklandsforseta um aš skipta dollurum ķ eigu Frakka fyrir gull, śrskuršar Richard Nixon Bandarķkjaforseti aš dollarinn sé ekki lengur studdur af gulli. Upp frį žessu er Sešlabankanum frjįlst aš prenta eša bśa til śr lausu lofti hvaša upphęš sem žeir kjósa.

A New York tķmarit birtir grein žar sem žvķ er haldiš fram aš Rockefeller fjölskyldan hafi veriš aš hagręša Sešlabankanum ķ žeim tilgangi aš selja Fort Knox gull į kaupverši kjallaraveršs til nafnlausra evrópskra spįkaupmanna. 3 dögum eftir birtingu žessarar sögu féll nafnlaus heimildarmašur hennar, lengi ritari Nelson Rockefeller, Louise Auchincloss Boyer, dularfullt til dauša śr glugga tķu hęša ķbśšarblokkar hennar ķ New York.

Reagan forseti ętlaši aš taka viš af formanni Sešlabankans ... Pįll Volcker

  1. mars 1981
    Ašeins 69 dagar eru lišnir af forsetatķš Ronalds Reagans. Žegar Reagan forseti og žrķr ašrir yfirgįfu talandi trślofun į Washington Hilton hótelinu ķ Washington D.C. voru Reagan forseti og žrķr ašrir skotnir og sęršir af John Hinckley yngri. Eftir morštilraunina breytti Reagan forseti afstöšu sinni til Paul Volker-mįlsins.

Žegar Ronald Reagan forseti tók viš völdum lögšu ķhaldssamir vinir hans til viš hann aš hann fęri aftur ķ gullstašal, sem leiš til aš hefta rķkisśtgjöld. Reagan forseti var um borš ķ žessari hugmynd og skipaši žvķ hóp manna sem kallašist"Gullnefndin", til aš rįšast ķ hagkvęmnisathugun og tilkynna nišurstöšur sķnar aftur til žingsins.

Skżrsla Nįšarnefndarinnar frį 1982 skżrir žinginu frį žessu og gefur eftirfarandi įtakanlegar yfirlżsingar varšandi gull:

"Rķkissjóšur Bandarķkjanna įtti alls ekkert gull. Allt gulliš sem eftir var ķ Fort Knox var nś ķ eigu Sešlabankans, hóps einkabankastjóra, sem tryggingu gegn rķkisskuldunum.

Hundraš prósent af žvķ sem innheimt er frįsogast eingöngu af vöxtum af skuldum sambandsrķkisins og af framlögum sambandsrķkisins til aš flytja greišslur. Meš öšrum oršum, allar tekjuskattstekjur einstaklinga eru horfnar įšur en einni krónu er variš ķ žjónustu sem skattgreišendur bśast viš af rķkisstjórn sinni."

stofnar Edmond de Rothschild Alžjóšaverndarbankann sem er ętlaš aš flytja skuldir frį löndum žrišja heimsins yfir ķ žennan banka og ķ stašinn myndu žau lönd gefa žessum banka land. Žetta er hannaš žannig aš Rothschilds geta nįš stjórn į žrišja heiminum sem tįknar 30% af landyfirborši jaršar.

Į Bilderberg rįšstefnunni 6. til 9. jśnķ, ķ Baden-Baden ķ Žżskalandi, sendi David Rockefeller frį sér eftirfarandi yfirlżsingu,

"Viš erum žakklįt Washington Post, New York Times, Time Magazine og fleiri frįbęrum ritum žar sem stjórnendur hafa sótt fundi okkar og virt loforš sķn um žagmęlsku ķ nęstum 40 įr. Žaš hefši veriš ómögulegt fyrir okkur aš žróa įętlun okkar fyrir heiminn, ef viš hefšum oršiš fyrir ljósum umfjöllunar į žessum įrum.

En heimurinn er nś flóknari og reišubśnari til aš ganga ķ įtt aš heimsstjórn. Ofuržjóšlegt fullveldi vitsmunalegrar elķtu og alžjóšabankastjóra er vafalaust įkjósanlegra en sś sjįlfįkvöršunarréttur žjóšarinnar sem stunduš hefur veriš į lišnum öldum."

USA dreginn inn ķ BIS. BIS hefur stöšu fullvalda valds og er ónęmt fyrir stjórn rķkisins. Ég endurtek fyrri fęrslu mķna frį 1930: "Sešlabanki sešlabankans." Į mešan ALŽJÓŠAGJALDEYRISSJÓŠURINN og Alžjóšabankinn eiga ķ samskiptum viš rķkisstjórnir fjallar BIS ašeins um ašra sešlabanka. Allir fundir hennar eru haldnir ķ leyni og taka žįtt ķ helstu sešlabankastjórum vķšsvegar aš śr heiminum.

Samantekt į žessari frišhelgi er talin upp hér aš nešan:Diplómatķsk frišhelgi fyrir einstaklinga og hvaš žeir bera meš sér (ž.e. diplómatķskir pokar). Engin skattlagning į nein višskipti, ž.m.t. laun sem greidd eru starfsmönnum. Frišhelgi sendirįšs fyrir allar byggingar og/eša skrifstofur sem REKnar eru af BIS um allan heim, žar meš tališ Kķna og Mexico.No eftirliti eša žekkingu į rekstri af hįlfu hvaša stjórnvalds sem er, žęr eru ekki endurskošašar. Frelsi frį takmörkunum innflytjenda. Frelsi til aš dulkóša öll samskipti af hvaša tagi sem er. Frelsi frį hvaša lögsögu sem er, žeir hafa jafnvel sitt eigiš lögregluliš.

Nśverandi stjórn BIS, ašeins fimm žeirra eru kosnir og hinir eru fastir, eru:Nout H E M Wellink, Amsterdam (stjórnarformašur)Hans Tietmeyer, Frankfurt am Main (varaformašur)Axel Weber, Frankfurt am MainVincenzo Desario, RomeAntonio Fazio, RomeDavid Dodge, OttawaToshihiko Fukui, TokyoTimothy F Geithner, New YorkAlan Greenspan, WashingtonLord George,  LondonHervé Hannoun, ParisChristian Noyer, ParisLars Heikensten, StockholmMervyn King, LondonGuy Quaden, BrusselsJean-Pierre Roth, ZürichAlfons Vicomte Verplaetse, Brussel

Ķ dag Eru ašaleigendur Sešlabankans:

  1. Rothschild's frį London og Berlķn2. Lazard bręšur ķ Parķs3. Ķsrael Móses Seaf frį Ķtalķu4. Kuhn, Loeb &Co. frį Žżskalandi og New York5. Warburg &company of Hamburg, Germany6. Lehman-bręšur ķ New York7. Goldman, Sachs frį New York8. Rockefeller bręšur ķ New York

Ašaleigendur eru śtibś evrópskra starfsstöšva. Śtlendingar stjórna peningaframboši Bandarķkjanna. Žeir eiga bókstaflega einkarétt į dollaranum og slį einfaldlega inn dollara ķ bankabękurnar sķnar til aš gręša peninga sem žeir lįna okkur sķšan aftur meš hagnaši. Fyrir žį vaxa peningar ekki į trjįm, žaš er einfaldlega gagnafęrsla inn į reikninginn žeirra.

Ljóst er aš einkaeignarréttur Bandarķkjadals er langmesti glępur aldarinnar. Eigendur žessa banka hafa stašiš fyrir öllum helstu strķšum og kreppum į sķšustu 100 įrum. Žeir eiga bankann, eiga dollarann og eiga allar helstu fjölmišlaleišir, hernašarišnašarflóruna og flesta stjórnmįlamenn, dómara og löggur.

Hvaš į lķkami aš gera?

Žeir hafa alveg augljóslega skipulagt og unniš fyrir žessu nokkuš rękilega. Viš munum aldrei nį aftur yfirrįšum yfir fiat (óbakašan pappķr) gjaldmišil.

Ekki eyša tķma žķnum.

Gakktu frį pappķrnum sķnum eša rafręnu peningaskiptasvindli.

Barter og Bullion
Real gull, silfur og ašrir góšmįlmar eru öruggir žegar žeir eru slegnir vel. Notašu žau bara. Vinsęldir žeirra og įreišanleiki nį frį žvķ löngu įšur en žessir sjóręningjar voru jafnvel til. Ein aura, hįlf aura, fjóršungsśnsa eru allt nokkuš algengar umferšir meš framhlišum, bökum og hryggjum um jašarinn til aš śtrżma śrklippum. Slegnar umferšir, ferningar, ferhyrningar eru aušskiljanlegar og fljótt samžykktar.

Byrjašu nśna
Margar heimildir grunar aš verkfręšilegt hrun fiat gjaldmišla heimsins sé įętlaš ķ aprķl 2013. Leggšu aš minnsta kosti įherslu į undirbśning. Margt gęti breytt tķmaįętluninni. Undirbśiš ykkur lķka eins og venjulegt lķf kunni aš vera til stašar fram yfir žann tķma.

Svo viršist sem žeir vilji gera upptęka eša aš minnsta kosti skrį eigendur riffla ķ Bandarķkjunum įšur en žeir hefjast handa. Mótspyrna viršist sterkari en hśn var undirbśin fyrir. Way-to-go klķka.

Gagnkvęmt samkomulag um skipti er hornsteinn sišmenntašs samfélags. Leyfa engar takmarkanir į žeim. Ef ég vil skipta degi af skuršgröftum fyrir žetta glansandi bling sem žś ert meš og žér lķkar vel viš samninginn, žį ętti enginn aš žvęlast fyrir... eša taka skurš af žvķ.


Egilsstašir, 14.07.2022   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Žeir eiga einkarétt į dollaranum og fęra einfaldlega dollara inn ķ bankabękur sķnar til aš gręša peninga sem žeir lįna okkur svo aftur meš hagnaši. Fyrir žį vaxa peningar ekki į trjįnum, žeir eru einfaldlega gagnafęrsla inn į reikninginn žeirra.

Skoša betur žessar setningar frį fyrra bloggi.


These are the strings that control the puppet show

10.7.2022 | 11:06


Bakstjórnin segist hafa völdin

Microsoft Office Translator

Ašaleigendur eru śtibś evrópskra starfsstöšva. Śtlendingar stjórna peningaframboši Bandarķkjanna. Žeir eiga bókstaflega einkarétt į dollaranum og slį einfaldlega inn dollara ķ bankabękurnar sķnar til gręša peninga sem žeir lįna okkur sķšan aftur meš hagnaši.
Fyrir žį vaxa peningar ekki į trjįm, žaš er einfaldlega gagnafęrsla inn į reikninginn žeirra. 



The primary owners are branches of European establishments. Foreigners control the United States Money supply. They literally own exclusive rights to the dollar and simply enter dollars into their banks books to make money which they then lend back to us at a profit.

For them money does not grow on trees, it is simply a data entry into their account. 


Microsoft Office Translator

Ljóst er einkaeignarréttur Bandarķkjadals er langmesti glępur aldarinnar. Eigendur žessa banka hafa stašiš fyrir öllum helstu strķšum og kreppum į sķšustu 100 įrum. 
Žeir eiga bankann, eiga dollarann og eiga allar helstu fjölmišlaleišir, hernašarišnašarflóruna og flesta stjórnmįlamenn, dómara og löggur. 




Clearly the private ownership of the U.S. Dollar is by far The Greatest Crime of the Century. The owners of this bank have been responsible for instigating all the major wars and depressions in the last 100 years.

They own the bank, they own the dollar and they own all the major media channels, the military industrial complex and most politicians, judges and cops.   


Ég er aš missa tökin, engin trśir žvķ lengur aš ég lįni nokkuš, peningur er ašeins skrifuš tala, bókhald.

Žį vil ég eyšileggja alla peningaprentun, peninga bókhald.

Ég er bśin aš taka allan gullforšan,

upp ķ skuldina, sem er engin skuld

og vil lįta alla halda aš žaš einna sem er veršmęti sé gulliš sem ég ręš yfir.


Allt gull ķ heiminum er ekki nema brot af öllum eignum og framkvęmdum ķ heiminum, og ef viš ętlušum aš lįta žaš rįša geršunum žį verša vandręši.


Hvernig getum viš bśiš til fjįrmįlabókhald, fyrir rķkiš, bęjarfélagiš, félögin, ęttirnar og einstaklinginn? 


Allir hugsi. 


Egilsstašir, 12.07.2022   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

These are the strings that control the puppet show

Bitterroot Bugle

news, commentary, activism, liberty and honor in the Bitterroot 



banking history

By Ted Dunlap, on March 19th, 2013

This was a major undertaking. I undoubtedly missed most of it and likely got a few details wrong, but you can get a whole lot of “What the heck happened to our money, our free country and our world” right here. I strongly encourage you to share. I will use this as a reference work for a long time to come. I encourage you to do that too.

These are the strings that control the puppet show

48 B.C.
Julius Caesar took back from the money changers the power to coin money and then minted coins for the benefit of all. With this new, plentiful supply of money, he established many massive construction projects and built great public works. By making money plentiful, Caesar won the love of the common people.

But the money changers hated him for it and this is why Caesar was assassinated. Immediately after his assassination came the demise of plentiful money in Rome, taxes increased, as did corruption. Eventually the Roman money supply was reduced by 90 per cent, which resulted in the common people losing their lands and homes.

Following a costly series of wars over the last 50 years, English Government officials go, cap in hand, to the money changers for loans necessary to pursue their political purposes. The money changers agree to solve this problem in exchange for a government sanctioned privately owned bank which could issue money created out of nothing. The Bank of England would loan government officials as much of the new currency as they wanted, as long as they secured the debt by direct taxation of the British people. The Bank of England amounted to nothing less than the legal counterfeiting of a national currency for private gain

Benjamin Franklin is asked by officials of the Bank of England to explain the prosperity of the colonies in America. He replies,
“That is simple. In the Colonies we issue our own money. It is called Colonial Scrip. We issue it in proper proportion to the demands of trade and industry to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner creating for ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay anyone.”

As a result of Franklin’s statement, the British Parliament hurriedly passed the Currency Act of 1764. This prohibited colonial officials from issuing their own money and ordered them to pay all future taxes in gold or silver coins. Referring to after this act was passed, Franklin would state the following in his autobiography,

“In one year, the conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity ended, and a depression set in, to such an extent that the streets of the colonies were filled with the unemployed…The colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money which created unemployment and dissatisfaction.

The viability of the colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of King George III and the international bankers was the prime reason for the revolutionary war.”

U.S. Independence – Free Banking -no formal central bank.

Thomas Jefferson was adamant: “I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies”

Hamilton persuaded Congress to pass the Assumption Act where the Federal Government assumed States debts. In 1791 Congress chartered the Bank of The United States. Congress passes the Coinage Act in 1792 which establishes a U.S. mint. Hamilton resigned as Secretary of the Treasury in 1793. It is reported that Hamilton was paid by the Rothschild family for this service.

This bank came into being after a year of intense debate and was given a 20 year charter. It was given a monopoly on printing United States currency even though 80% of it’s stock was held by private investors. The other 20% was purchased by the United States government, but this was not to give it a piece if the action, but to provide the capital for the private investors to purchase the other 80%.

As with the Bank of England and the old Bank of North America, these private investors never paid the full agreed amount for their shares. What happened was through the fraudulent system of fractional reserve banking, the government’s 20% stake which was $2,000,000 in cash, was used to make loans to its private investors to purchase the other 80% stake, £8,000,000, for this risk free investment.

Again like the Bank of England and the old Bank of North America, the name, “First Bank of the United States,” was deliberately chosen to hide from the common people the fact that it was privately owned. The names of the investors in this bank were never revealed, although it is widely believed that the Rothschilds were behind it.

A bill was put before Congress to renew the charter of the First Bank of the United States. The legislatures of both Pennsylvania and Virginia pass resolutions asking Congress to kill the bank. The national press openly attack the bank calling it: a great swindle; a vulture; a viper; and a cobra.

Nathan Rothschild gets in on the act and makes the following revealing statement as to who was really behind the First Bank of the United States, “Either the application for renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war.”

Congress Refused to renew the charter for the Bank of the United States & the bank is closed.

War breaks out with Britain.

Nathan Rothschild sent a trusted courier named Rothworth to Waterloo where he stayed on the edge of the battlefield. Once the battle was decided, Rothworth took off for the Channel, and delivered the news of Wellington’s victory to Nathan Rothschild a full 24 hours before Wellington’s own courier.

Nathan Rothschild hurried to the London Stock market and stood in his usual position. All eyes were on him as Rothschild had a legendary communications network. Rothschild stood there looking forlorn and suddenly started selling. The other traders believed that this meant he had heard that Napoleon had won so they all started selling frantically.

The market subsequently plummeted, soon everyone was selling their consuls (British Government Bonds), but then Rothschild secretly started buying them all up through his agents on the floor, for a fraction of what they were worth only hours before. A lot of these consuls were able to be converted to Bank of England stock, which is how Rothschild took over the control of the Bank of England and therefore the British money supply.

The Second Bank of the United States is authorized, was chartered in 1816, and opened in 1817.

After 12 years during which the Second Bank of the United States, ruthlessly manipulated the American economy to the detriment of the people but to the benefit of their own money grabbing ends, the American people had unsurprisingly had enough. Opponents of this bank nominated Senator Andrew Jackson of Tennessee to run for President.

To the dismay of the money changers, Jackson won the Presidency and made it quite clear he intended to kill this bank at his first opportunity. He started out during his first term in office, to root out the banks many minions from government service. To illustrate how deep this cancer was rooted in government, he fired 2,000 of the 11,000 employees of the Federal Government.

Jackson removed all government deposits from the Rothschild’s Second Bank of the United States In December of 1834, President Jackson declared that the national debt will be paid off. The next month there was an assassination attempt on Jackson.

“The bank, is trying to kill me, but I will kill it!
You are a den of vipers and thieves.
I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God I will rout you out.”

Overriding Congress, Jackson closed the Bank of the United States commenting: “The bold effort the present bank had made to control the government are but premonitions of the fate that await the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it.

On January 8th President Jackson pays off the final installment of the national debt, which had been necessitated by allowing the banks to issue currency for government bonds, rather than simply issuing treasury notes without such debt. He was the only President to ever pay off the debt.

On January 30th an assassin called Richard Lawrence tried to shoot President Jackson, but both pistols misfired. Lawrence was later found not guilty by reason of insanity. However, after his release he openly bragged that powerful people in Europe had put him up to the task and promised to protect him if he were caught.

When asked what his most important accomplishment had been in life, President Jackson stated without hesitation, “I killed the Bank!”

Congressional Bills to establish a new national bank were twice vetoed by President Tyler.

Zachary Taylor 12th President of the United States
“No country could prosper without an able independent judiciary, and a sound currency.”
“The idea of a national bank “is dead, and will not be revived in my time.”

Taylor died after eating a bowl of cherries and milk… rumor is he was killed by arsenic poisoning.

James Buchanan the 15th President of the United States opposed a privately owned central bank. He suffered from arsenic poisoning whereas thirty eight other people at the banquet died.

Lincoln said, “The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. The banking powers are more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. They denounce as public enemies all who question their methods or throw light upon their crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe.

February 1863
Congress established another National Banking system. The bankers were intending to charge between 24% and 36% interest rates for money to finance the war. To avoid the interest, Lincoln ordered the printing of $450 million in bank notes guaranteed by the U.S. government.

Apr 14, 1865
Lincoln was assassinated and Congress revoked the Greenback Law and enacted, in its place, the National Banking Act supporting privately owned national banks. The associates of the President Lincoln’s assassin were according to many, on the payroll of the Rothschild’s. The Nation was thrown into a state of constant debt, paying interest to bankers who created cash. Following Lincoln’s assassination, Andrew Johnson, whom many have shown was involved in the assassination, became President.

December 18, 1865
A NEW Thirteenth Amendment was ratified ignoring the existing properly ratified 13th Amendment which eliminated citizenship of persons who swore allegiance to other Nations or secret societies.

Ernest Seyd is sent to America on a mission from the Rothschild owned Bank of England. He is given $100,000 which he is to use to bribe as many Congressmen as necessary, for the purposes of getting silver demonetized, as it had been found in huge quantities in the American West, which would eat into Rothschild’s profits.

Ernest Seyd obviously spent his money wisely, as Congress pass the, “Coinage Act,” which results in the minting of silver dollars being abruptly stopped. Furthermore, Representative Samuel Hooper, who introduced the bill in the house, even admitted that Ernest Seyd had actually drafted the legislation.

Due to the manipulation of the money supply in America, one third of the workforce is unemployed and unrest is growing.

Rioting breaks out from Pittsburgh to Chicago. The bankers get together to decide what to do and they decided to hang on, as they knew that despite the violence, they were now firmly back in control. They agreed “… that you will also withhold patronage from all applicants who are not willing to oppose the government issue of money…. …To repeal the Act creating bank notes, or to restore to circulation issue of money will be to provide the people with money and will therefore seriously affect our individual profits as bankers and lenders. See your Congressman at once and engage him to support our interests that we may control legislation.”

President James A. Garfield was inaugurated in 1881, he said “Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce”.

July 2, 1881
Garfield was shot, he dies on September 19.

The money changers spent the last decade creating economic booms followed by depressions, so that they could buy up thousands of homes and farms for pennies on the dollar. They were preparing to take the economy down again in the near future, and in a shocking memo sent out by the American Bankers Association, which would come out in the Congressional Record more than twenty years later, the following is stated,
“On September 1st 1894 we will not renew our loans under any consideration. On September 1st we will demand our money. We will foreclose and become mortgages in possession. We can take two-thirds of the farms west of the Mississippi, and thousands of them east of the Mississippi as well, at our own price…Then the farmers will become tenants as in England…,”

Rothschilds/Samuel oil contract began.

Samuel’s Shell Oil Murex sails through the Suez Canal. A year later Shell Oil add 10 more tankers to the fleet.

Alphonse de Rothschild meets with Standard Oil (Rockefeller) to discuss cartel.

Theodore Hertzel begins the Zionist campaign to create Israel. Rothschild wanted to protect their oil interests but they needed a political and military watchdog over the Suez Canal and the State of Israel was created. They wanted a militant and battle-hardened Israel and no pushovers.

President William McKinley. The legal tool used by President McKinley and Sherman against the European bankers was the law known as the “Sherman Antitrust Act” which was first brought to bear against the Rothschild supported and funded JP Morgan financial empire known as the Northern Trust who by the late 1800s owned nearly all of America’s railroads.

September 6, 1901
President McKinley is shot by an assassin, he dies on September 14.

September 14, 1901
Theodore Roosevelt becomes President. One of Roosevelt’s first acts was to drop the United States government lawsuits against the Northern Trust and accelerate the American age known as “Manifest Destiny” which continues to this day and basically gives these Central Bankers the “power” to plunder the entire World for profit and gain above all else.

April 14, 1912
The last chance to thwart the European plan to establish a Central Bank in the United States ended on with the deliberate sinking of the RMS Titanic by British agents that killed one of the orders members named Major Archibald Willingham Butt along with the American business tycoons John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim and Isidor Straus who were returning to the United States from Great Britain after what they believed was a successful “negotiation” with the Rothschild’s to “leave America alone” under “threat of war”

With the last “obstacles” removed from creating a Central Bank in the United States with the sinking of the Titanic the European banking powers forced through the American legal system what is known as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 (aka: The Creature from Jekyll Island).

In a related aside, with Astor’s death, Nikola Tesla lost his sponsor. His inventions posed serious competition to the fledgling oil and electrical power generating industries. We will never know what we and the world lost in the North Atlantic, but some gained tremendously.

In exchange for financial support for his presidential campaign, Woodrow Wilson’s agreed that if elected, he would sign the Federal Reserve Act. In December 1913, while many members of Congress were home for Christmas, the Federal Reserve Act was rammed through Congress and signed by President Wilson. Regarding his actions Wilson later admitted. “I have unwittingly ruined my country”.

The Fed became law the day before Christmas Eve, in the year 1913, and shortly afterwards, the German International bankers, Kuhn, Loeb and Co. sent one of their partners here to run it

The start of World War I. In this war, the German Rothschilds loaned money to the Germans, the British Rothschilds loaned money to the British, and the French Rothschilds loaned money to the French.

J. P. Morgan became the sales agent for the, “War Materials Board,” to both the British and the French engaged in World War I, and becomes the biggest consumer on the planet, spending 10 million dollars a day. Furthermore, President Woodrow Wilson appointed banker, Bernard Baruch, to head the, “War Industries Board.” According to historian, James Perloff, both Bernard Baruch and the Rockefellers profited by approximately 200 million dollars during World War I.

May 7, 1915
A German U-boat torpedoed and sank the RMS Lusitania, a British ocean liner en route from New York to Liverpool, England. Of the more than 1,900 passengers and crew members on board, more than 1,100 perished, including more than 120 Americans.

The German embassy had placed a full-page ad adjacent to the Lusitania’s ad, warning Americans not to travel via British-flagged vessels. The captain of the Lusitania ignored the British Admiralty’s recommendations to avoid the U-boat area altogether or at least run at high speed and steer a zig-zag course. The British did not escort the Lusitania nor run it in convoy as was standard practice.
It was revealed that the Lusitania was carrying about 173 tons of war munitions for Britain. This sinking was used as justification for the USA to enter the war.

President Wilson began to realize the gravity of the damage he had done to America, by unleashing the Federal Reserve on the American people. He stated,

“We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled governments in the civilized world – no longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government by …a vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.

Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

The money changers never forgave the Tsars of Russia for both continually opposing their request to set up a central bank in Russia, as well as their support of President Lincoln during the Civil War. Therefore, Jacob Schiff, a Rothschild, spent 20 million dollars through his firm, Kuhn, Loeb & Co., in financing the Russian Revolution.

It is commonly believed that Communism is the opposite of Capitalism, so why would these capitalists support it? Respected researcher, Gary Allen, explains it as follows, “If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but it is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super-rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead it becomes logical, even the perfect tool of power seeking megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite.”

In January the Paris Peace Conference takes place following the end of World War I. The bankers put World Government at the top of their agenda, and Paul Warburg and Bernard Baruch attend this conference with President Wilson. To the bankers dismay, the world was not yet ready to dissolve national boundaries and accept World Government, so that part of their plan had failed. The plan for World Government was called the, “League Of Nations,” and although many nations accepted this proposal, the United States Congress would not support it, and thus without the support of money from the United States Treasury, the bankers had failed and the League Of Nations died.

On August 2nd, President Warren Harding died on a train in mysterious circumstances. The cause was given as either food poisoning or a stroke although no autopsy was performed. He was succeeded by his Vice-President Calvin Coolidge. President Coolidge continued Harding’s tax cutting and tariff raising policies. This policy was so successful that the economy still continued to grow, and the huge Federal Debt built up during World War I, under Harding and Coolidge was reduced by 38% down to 16 billion dollars.

This was when the Federal Reserve started flooding the country with money, increasing the money supply by 62%.

In April, Paul Warburg sent out a secret warning to his friends that a collapse and nationwide depression had been planned for later that year. It is certainly no coincidence that the biographies of all the Wall Street giants of that era: John D. Rockefeller; J. P. Morgan; Joseph Kennedy; Bernard Baruch; et al, all marveled at the fact these people got out of the stock market completely just before the crash and put their assets into cash or gold.

So, as all the bankers and their friends already knew, in August the Federal Reserve began to tighten the money supply. Then on 24th October the big New York bankers called in their 24 hour broker call loans. This meant that both the stockbrokers and their customers had to dump their stocks on the stock market to cover their loans, irrespective of what price they had to sell them for. As a result of this the stock market crashed on a day that would go down in history as, “Black Thursday.”

In only a few weeks from the day of the crash, 3 billion dollars of wealth vanished. Within a year, 40 billion dollars of wealth vanished. However, it did not simply disappear, it just ended up consolidated in fewer and fewer hands, as was planned. An example of this is Joseph P. Kennedy, John F. Kennedy’s father. In 1929 he was worth 4 million dollars (he had “earned selling booze in Chicago during Prohibition). In 1935 that had increased to over 100 million dollars.

It also was spent overseas, as whilst the Great Depression was occurring, millions of American dollars was being spent on rebuilding Germany from damage sustained during World War I, in preparation for the bankers World War II. Republican Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking & Currency Committee from 1920 to 1931, stated the following in relation to this,

“After World War I, Germany fell into the hands of the German International Bankers. Those bankers bought her and now they own her, lock, stock, and barrel. They have purchased her industries, they have mortgages on her soil, they control her production, they control all her public utilities. The international German bankers have subsidized the present Government of Germany and they have also supplied every dollar of the money Adolph Hitler has used in his lavish campaign to build up a threat to the government of Bruening. When Bruening fails to obey the orders of the German International Bankers, Hitler is brought forth to scare the Germans into submission…

Through the Federal Reserve Board over 30 billion of dollars of American money… has been pumped into Germany… You have all heard of the spending that has taken place in Germany …modernistic dwellings, her great planetariums, her gymnasiums, her swimming pools, her fine public highways, her perfect factories. All this was done on our money. All this was given to Germany through the Federal Reserve Board. The Federal Reserve Board… has pumped so many billions of dollars into Germany that they dare not name the total.”

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) was established by Charles G. Dawes (Rothschild agent and Vice President under President Calvin Coolidge from 1925-1929), Owen D. Young (Rothschild agent, founder of RCA and Chairman of General Electric from 1922 until 1939), and Hjalmar Schacht of Germany (President of the Reichsbank).

The BIS is referred to the bankers as the, “Central bank for the central banks.” Whereas the IMF and the World Bank deal with governments, the BIS deals only with other central banks. All its meetings are held in secret and involve the top central bankers from around the world. For example the former head of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, would go to the BIS headquarters in Basel, Switzerland, ten times a year for these private meetings.

Republican Representative Louis T. McFadden of Pennsylvania, the Former Chairman of the House Banking & Currency Commission during the great depression, states,

“We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board… This evil institution has impoverished… the people of the United States…and has practically bankrupted our government. It has done this through… the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it.”

On October 3, Republican Congressman, Louis T McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking & Currency Committee, from 1920 to 1931, is poisoned to death. This was the third assassination attempt on his life, he had suffered an earlier poisoning and had had shots fired at him.

In Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank (initially called the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development or IBRD – the name, “World Bank,” was not actually adopted until 1975), were approved with full United States participation. The dollar is established as the “World Currency” to be used instead of precious metals. This enables The Federal Reserve to print and sell exponential amounts of dollars out of thin air to fill central banks throughout the world.

Further, the Bretton Woods Agreement enables the central bankers to manipulate the entire world economy by increasing and decreasing the supply of dollars as they choose.

The second, “League Of Nations,” now renamed the, “United Nations,” was approved. The bankers, World War II, had been a success this time as a result of the physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion the world had felt after yet another World War. This blueprint for world government would soon have its own international court system as well.

June 4, 1963
President Kennedy signed a Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110. This order virtually stripped the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Government at interest. President Kennedy declared the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. This order gave the Treasury Department the authority to issue silver certificates against any silver in the treasury. This executive order still stands today.

November 22, 1963
In less than five months after signing that executive order President Kennedy was assassinated. The United States Notes (silver certificates) he had issued were taken out of circulation immediately. Federal Reserve Notes continued to serve as the legal currency of this nation. It is estimated that 99% of all U.S. paper currency circulating in 1999 are Federal Reserve Notes.

All the pure gold had been secretly moved from Fort Knox, sold to international money changers for the $35 per ounce price, and is believed to now be kept in London.

In response to French President Charles deGaul’s demand to exchange French-owned dollars for gold, USA President Richard Nixon decrees that the dollar is no longer backed by gold. From this moment on, The Federal Reserve is free to print or create out of thin air any amount of dollars they choose.

A New York periodical publishes an article claiming that the Rockefeller family were manipulating the Federal Reserve for the purpose of selling off Fort Knox gold at bargain basement prices to anonymous European speculators. 3 days after the publication of this story, its anonymous source, long time secretary to Nelson Rockefeller, Louise Auchincloss Boyer, mysteriously fell to her death from the window of her ten story apartment block in New York.

President Reagan was going to replace the Chairman of the Federal Reserve… Paul Volcker

March 30, 1981
Just 69 days into the presidency of Ronald Reagan. While leaving a speaking engagement at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C., President Reagan and three others were shot and wounded by John Hinckley, Jr. After the attempted assassination President Reagan changed his stance on the Paul Volker issue.

When President Ronald Reagan took office, his conservative friends suggested to him that he return to a gold standard, as a means to curbing government spending. President Reagan was on board with this idea and so he appointed a group of men called the, “Gold Commission,” to undertake a feasibility study and report their findings back to Congress.

The Grace Commission Report reports back to Congress and makes the following shocking statements concerning gold:

“The U. S. Treasury owned no gold at all. All the gold that was left in Fort Knox was now owned by the Federal Reserve, a group of private bankers, as collateral against the National Debt.

One hundred percent of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal debt and by the Federal Government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on services which taxpayers expect from their Government”

Edmond de Rothschild creates the World Conservation Bank which is designed to transfer debts from third world countries to this bank and in return those countries would give land to this bank. This is designed so the Rothschilds can gain control of the third world which represents 30% of the land surface of the Earth.

At the Bilderberg Conference on June 6 to 9, in Baden-Baden, Germany, David Rockefeller made the following statement,

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world, if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years.

But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The super-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

USA dragged into BIS. The BIS has the status of a sovereign power and is immune from governmental control. I repeat my preceding entry from 1930: “the Central bank for the central banks.” Whereas the IMF and the World Bank deal with governments, the BIS deals only with other central banks. All its meetings are held in secret and involve the top central bankers from around the world.

A summary of this immunity is listed below:
Diplomatic immunity for persons and what they carry with them (i.e., diplomatic pouches).
No taxation on any transactions, including salaries paid to employees.
Embassy-type immunity for all buildings and/or offices operated by the BIS worldwide including China and Mexico.
No oversight or knowledge of operations by any government authority, they are not audited.
Freedom from immigration restrictions.
Freedom to encrypt any and all communications of any sort.
Freedom from any legal jurisdiction, they even have their own police force.

BIS’ current board of directors, only five of which are elected and the rest of which are permanent, are:
Nout H E M Wellink, Amsterdam (Chairman of the Board of Directors)
Hans Tietmeyer, Frankfurt am Main (Vice-Chairman)
Axel Weber, Frankfurt am Main
Vincenzo Desario, Rome
Antonio Fazio, Rome
David Dodge, Ottawa
Toshihiko Fukui, Tokyo
Timothy F Geithner, New York
Alan Greenspan, Washington
Lord George, London
Hervé Hannoun, Paris
Christian Noyer, Paris
Lars Heikensten, Stockholm
Mervyn King, London
Guy Quaden, Brussels
Jean-Pierre Roth, Zürich
Alfons Vicomte Verplaetse, Brussels


The Primary Owners of the Federal Reserve Bank Are:

  1. Rothschild’s of London and Berlin
    2. Lazard Brothers of Paris
    3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy
    4. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Germany and New York
    5. Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany
    6. Lehman Brothers of New York
    7. Goldman, Sachs of New York
    8. Rockefeller Brothers of New York

The primary owners are branches of European establishments. Foreigners control the United States Money supply. They literally own exclusive rights to the dollar and simply enter dollars into their banks books to make money which they then lend back to us at a profit. For them money does not grow on trees, it is simply a data entry into their account.

Clearly the private ownership of the U.S. Dollar is by far The Greatest Crime of the Century. The owners of this bank have been responsible for instigating all the major wars and depressions in the last 100 years. They own the bank, they own the dollar and they own all the major media channels, the military industrial complex and most politicians, judges and cops.

What’s a body to do?

They have quite obviously planned and worked for this quite thoroughly. We will never regain control of fiat (unbacked paper) currency.

Do not waste your time.

Walk away from their paper or electronic money-changer scam.

Barter and Bullion
Real gold, silver and other precious metals are safe when minted well. Just use them. Their popularity and reliability extend from long before these pirates even existed. One-ounce, half-ounce, quarter-ounce are all quite common rounds with fronts, backs and ridges around the perimeter to eliminate clipping. Minted rounds, squares, rectangles are easily understood and quickly accepted.

Start now
Many sources suspect the engineered collapse of the world’s fiat currencies is scheduled for April 2013. Put at least some urgency on preparing. Many things could alter the timetable. Do also prepare as if normal life may exist past that time.

It does appear they want to confiscate or at least register the owners of the rifles in the USA before they begin. Resistance appears stronger than they were prepared for. Way-to-go gang.

Mutually agreeable exchange is the cornerstone of civilized society. Allow No Restriction on them. If I want to trade a day of ditch-digging for that shiny bling you have and you like the deal, nobody should get in the way… or take a cut of it.

Tomasz Patan, annar stofnandi sęnska fyrirtękisins Jetson, stżrši Jetson ONE farartękinu frį ķtölsku heimili sķnu til fyrirtękjabyggingar ķ Toskana. Fyrirtękiš segir aš feršatķminn hafi veriš styttur um 88 prósent.

Flying Car Company Boss Completes 'First Ever' Commute in $83K Space-Age Vehicle ( 


Tomasz Patan, the co-founder of the Swedish firm Jetson, piloted the Jetson ONE vehicle from his Italian home to a company building in Tuscany. The firm says the journey time was reduced by 88 percent.

Jetson segir aš feršin til Santa Maria a Monte ašstöšunnar sé „stórmerkilegt tilefni fyrir rafmagns lóšrétt flugtak og lendingu (eVTOL) ķ geirann. 

Jetson say the trip to the Santa Maria a Monte facility is a “momentous occasion for the electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) sector.”   

000 slóš

Viš tökum ekki upp gamaldags ""Lķnu,"" jįrnbraut frį įrinu 1802, viš fįum Lķnu langsokk ķ liš meš okkur og stefnum į Jetson, strax ķ dag.

Eigandi fljśgandi bķlafyrirtękis hefur lokiš - yrstu ferš - ķ einu af $83.600 geimfarartękjum sķnum. Tomasz Patan, mešstofnandi sęnska fyrirtękisins Jetson

 Flying Car Company Boss Completes 'First Ever' Commute in $83K Space-Age Vehicle (



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