Bloggfęrslur mįnašarins, maķ 2015

Stjórnun orkuframleišslu ķ ķslenskum höndum.

Stjórnun orkuframleišslu ķ ķslenskum höndum,

og atvinnuuppbyggingu ķ einkaframkvęmd,

hefur reynst vel.


Gott innlegg ķ umręšuna um orkuöflun į Ķslandi


Landsvirkjun ķ uppnįmi

Frišrik Danķelsson

Grein ķ Morgunblašinu, 23.05.2015 bls. 24



Gušna Į Haraldsson

Grein ķ Morgunblašinu, 23.05.2015 bls. 23


Hvašan eiga žśsund megawött aš koma?

Bjarni Mįr Gylfason


Erum aš vinna meš eilķfšarvélar

Höršur Arnarsson


Orka, vistvęn.

Ķslensk orka

Egilsstašir, 31.05.2015 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Misjafnar eru talenturnar.

Misjafnar eru talenturnar.

Sett į bloggiš hjį Halldóri Jónssyni

Ég er seinn aš lesa, og žį kemur einhver snillingurinn og fręšir mig ķ fįum oršum.

Til dęmis ert žś Jón Valur aš fręša mig um Biblķuna, og nefnir bókmenntaform, lagabįlka, sagnfręši, feršasögur, ljóš og ljóšabįlka, fręšslurit, bréfaformiš, dęmisöguformiš, ęvisöguformiš, kraftaverkasögur, ręšur, og „Opinberunarbókarformiš.“

Žarna hefur žś lęrt żmislegt sem er gaman og gott fyrir mig aš lęra af žér.

Einhvern tķman var sagt aš Coce auglżsti fjórum sinnum į įri. Žį var tališ aš fróšleikurinn rynni śt śr heilabśinu žannig aš auglżsandinn varš aš fylla į heilann meš hęfilegu millibili.

Žetta segir okkur aš žiš sem hafiš tileinkaš ykkur hinn żmsa fróšleik, veršiš aš fylla į okkur hina ca. Fjórum sinnum į įri.

Ef žiš fylliš ekki į heilan hjį okkur, meš ykkar hugmyndafręši, žį gerir einhver annar žaš meš sinni hugmyndafręš.

Ekki er öll hugmyndafręši jafn góš.

Žś žarft aš fylla į heilana okkar af kurteisi, meš įst og umhyggju aš leišarljósi.

Og žś Mofi, žetta er til žķn lķka.

Viš žurfum lķka fręšara ķ dag.

Hér į aš koma bros.

Egilsstašir, 29.05.2015 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Velt vöngum um Bķblķuna. Tönn fyrir tönn. Fyrirgefning fyrir fyrirgefningu. EINFALT

Sett į bloggiš

hjį Halldóri Jónssyni

Žiš veltiš vöngum um Bķblķuna.


Fyrst skošum viš Gamla testamenntiš.

Žar finniš žiš bošunina, „tönn fyrir tönn.“


Nęst skošum viš Nżja testamenntiš, og finnum žetta.

Matteusargušspjall 5

17Ętliš ekki aš ég sé kominn til aš afnema lögmįliš eša spįmennina. Ég kom ekki til aš afnema heldur uppfylla. 18Sannlega segi ég yšur: Žar til himinn og jörš lķša undir lok mun ekki einn smįstafur eša stafkrókur falla śr lögmįlinu uns allt er komiš fram. 19Hver sem žvķ brżtur eitt af žessum minnstu bošum og kennir öšrum žaš mun kallast minnstur ķ himnarķki en sį sem heldur žau og kennir mun mikill kallast ķ himnarķki. 20Ég segi yšur: Ef réttlęti yšar ber ekki af réttlęti fręšimanna og farķsea komist žér aldrei ķ himnarķki.


Og sķšast skošum viš Faširvoriš.

Fašir vor, žś sem ert į himnum. Helgist žitt nafn, 10til komi žitt rķki, verši žinn vilji, svo į jöršu sem į himni. 11Gef oss ķ dag vort daglegt brauš. [1]

Eša: brauš vort til dagsins į morgun.

12Fyrirgef oss vorar skuldir svo sem vér og fyrirgefum vorum skuldunautum. 13Og eigi leiš žś oss ķ freistni heldur frelsa oss frį illu. [2]

Eša: frį hinum vonda. [Žvķ aš žitt er rķkiš, mįtturinn og dżršin aš eilķfu, amen.] [3]

Vantar ķ sum handrit.

000 14Ef žér fyrirgefiš mönnum misgjöršir žeirra žį mun og fašir yšar himneskur fyrirgefa yšur. 15En ef žér fyrirgefiš ekki öšrum mun fašir yšar ekki heldur fyrirgefa misgjöršir yšar.


Žegar viš skošum žetta ķ samhengi, sjįum viš aš lögmįliš er alltaf hiš sama.

Žaš er , „tönn fyrir tönn.“ og

14Ef žér fyrirgefiš mönnum misgjöršir žeirra žį mun og fašir yšar himneskur fyrirgefa yšur. 15En ef žér fyrirgefiš ekki öšrum mun fašir yšar ekki heldur fyrirgefa misgjöršir yšar.


Žaš er, ef viš fyrirgefum öllum allt, žį er okkur fyrirgefiš allt.

Ef viš fyrirgefum ekki öllum allt, žį er okkur ekki fyrirgefiš allt.

Žaš er, viš dęmum okkur sjįlfir.


Hatur fals og ķlska kemst ekki inn ķ Himnarķki.

Hvaš gerum viš žį, fullir af hatri ķlsku og falsi?

000 Lśkasargušspjall 18:27 24Jesśs sį žaš og sagši: „Hve torvelt er žeim sem aušinn hafa aš ganga inn ķ Gušs rķki. 25Aušveldara er ślfalda aš fara gegnum nįlarauga en aušmanni aš komast inn ķ Gušs rķki.“ 26En žeir sem į hlżddu spuršu: „Hver getur žį oršiš hólpinn?“ 27Hann męlti: „Žaš sem mönnum er um megn, žaš megnar Guš.“


Er žetta ešlisfręši, aš eiginleikar haturs, ķlsku og fals, komist ekki inn ķ Himnarķki?

Egilsstašir, 28.05.2015 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Jóhannesargušspjall, Kafli 14, vers 6

Alternatives to Knee Replacement Surgery


Hér er ég aš kynna ykkur žessa slóš. Žiš gętuš misst af žessu. Vonandi er žaš leyfilegt.

Egilsstašir, 01.05.2015  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Proposed Total Right Knee Replacement Procedure   Drawing


Alternatives to Knee Replacement Surgery   ---

klikka į žessa slóš til aš skoša allt Alternatives to Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement is a major surgery, and should only be performed when absolutely necessary.

Weight Loss and Exercise

Working with a Physical Therapist

Knee Injections (Hyaluronic Acid)

Medication or Cortisone Shots



Arthroscopic Surgery

Stem Cells

This experimental treatment uses bone marrow stem cells from the hip to help regenerate cartilage tissue in the knee.

A small but growing number of doctors are turning to cutting-edge stem cell therapy as an alterative to knee replacement surgery

One study found that stem cell therapy after knee surgery helped reduce pain and repair the knee.

Knee Osteotomy

Weigh Your Options

It’s important to consider all your options and explore alternatives to knee replacement surgery.

However, discuss the procedure with your doctor if you’ve exhausted your options or your surgeon feels that your knee requires a total or partial replacement.

Delaying a necessary surgery can cause additional long-term problems.


   (   )


Hęgra hné mynd slóš

Fór aš lesa betur, set ekki mynd, ašeins addressu trślega ekki leyfilegt.

Vinstra hné mynd slóš

Fór aš lesa betur, set ekki mynd. trślega ekki leyfilegt.

Hęgra   slóš

Fór aš lesa betur, set ekki mynd. trślega ekki leyfilegt.


Lesa hér į eftir:

I was able to throw away my cane, ... Now I am biking and hiking like a 30-year-old.

Viš lįtum spila meš OKKUR?

Ég spila alltaf į žig.

Ég lękkaši lįniš žitt um 20%, žaš er frį 36 miljónum ķ 30 miljónir,

og lengdi lįnstķmann ķ 30 įr.

Žś varst sęll og glašur.


Sķšan lét ég hękka vextina į lįninu um 1,34 %.

Žį greišir žś til baka nišurfęrsluna į lįninu, 6.030.000 kr. į 15 įrum.

Og reyndar aftur 6.030.000 kr. į žar nęstu 15 įrum.


Ég lįna žér aldrei neitt, en held peningabókhaldiš.


Ef žś ert duglegur, kemur og tekur lįn og žiš byggiš upp heiminn,

Žį į ég alltaf meira og meira.


Og žś, žiš skuldiš alltaf meira og meira eftir žvķ sem žiš eruš duglegri.

Einhver prósenta af fólkinu getur veriš skuld laust.

En žį verša hinir aš skulda žeim mun meira.


Žaš ert žś sem lętur mig hafa, eiga peningabókhaldiš.

Žaš ert žś sem įkvešur aš ég rįši vöxtunum.


„Jį žś ert bara valdamikill.

En, heyršu, leišist žér ekki aš lįta spila svona į žig,

Viš lįtum spila meš OKKUR?

Egilsstašir, 01.05.2015 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

I was able to throw away my cane, ... Now I am biking and hiking like a 30-year-old.




žaš vantar ekki aš hśn Patricia Beals 72 ara, er hróšug.

Egilsstašir, 01.05.2015 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Ef ég mį ekki birta žetta žį tek ég žaš strax nišur, aš sjįlfsögšu.

Stem Cells: Alternative to Knee Replacement?


March 19, 2013 By Stem Cell ARTS Comments are Off News and Events

ABC News, Stem Cells: Alternative to Knee Replacement?


Last year, Patricia Beals was told she’d need a double knee replacement to repair her severely arthritic knees or she’d probably spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair.

Hoping to avoid surgery, Beals, 72, opted instead for an experimental treatment that involved harvesting bone marrow stem cells from her hip, concentrating the cells in a centrifuge and injecting them back into her damaged joints.

“Almost from the moment I got up from the table, I was able to throw away my cane,” Beals says. “Now I’m biking and hiking like a 30-year-old.”

A handful of doctors around the country are administering treatments like the one Beals received to stop or even reverse the ravages of osteoarthritis. Stem cells are the only cells in the body able to morph into other types of specialized cells. When the patient’s own stem cells are injected into a damaged joint, they appear to transform into chondrocytes, the cells that go on to produce fresh cartilage. They also seem to amplify the body’s own natural repair efforts by accelerating healing, reducing inflammation, and preventing scarring and loss of function.

Christopher J. Centeno, M.D., the rehab medicine specialist who performed Beals’ procedure, says the results he sees from stem cell therapy are remarkable. Of the more-than-200 patients his Bloomfield, Colo., clinic treated over a two-year period, he says, “two thirds of them reported greater than 50 percent relief and about 40 percent reported more than 75 percent relief one to two years afterward.”

According to Centeno, knees respond better to the treatment than hips. Only eight percent of his knee patients opted for a total knee replacement two years after receiving a stem cell injection. The complete results from his clinical observations will be published in a major orthopedic journal later this year.

The Pros and Cons The biggest advantage stem cell injections seem to offer over more invasive arthritis remedies is a quicker, easier recovery. The procedure is done on an outpatient basis and the majority of patients are up and moving within 24 hours. Most wear a brace for several weeks but still can get around. Many are even able to do some gentle stationary cycling by the end of the first week.

There are also fewer complications. A friend who had knee replacement surgery the same day Beals had her treatment developed life-threatening blood clots and couldn’t walk for weeks afterwards. Six months out, she still hasn’t made a full recovery.

Most surgeries don’t go so awry, but still: Beals just returned from a week-long cycling trip where she covered 20 to 40 miles per day without so much as a tweak of pain.

As for risks, Centeno maintains they are virtually nonexistent.

“Because the stem cells come from your own body, there’s little chance of infection or rejection,” he says. Not all medical experts are quite so enthusiastic, however. Dr. Tom Einhorn, chairman of the department of orthopedic surgery at Boston University, conducts research with stem cells but does not use them to treat arthritic patients. He thinks the idea is interesting but the science is not there yet.

“We need to have animal studies and analyze what’s really happening under the microscope. Then, and only then, can you start doing this with patients,” he says.

The few studies completed to date have examined how stem cells heal traumatic injuries rather than degenerative conditions such as arthritis. Results have been promising but, as Einhorn points out, the required repair mechanisms in each circumstance are very different.

Another downside is cost: The injections aren’t approved by the FDA, which means they aren’t covered by insurance. At $4,000 a pop — all out of pocket — they certainly aren’t cheap, and many patients require more than one shot.

Ironically, one thing driving up the price is FDA involvement. Two years ago, the agency stepped in and stopped physicians from intensifying stem cells in the lab for several days before putting them back into the patient. This means all procedures must be done on the same day, no stem cells may be preserved and many of the more expensive aspects of the treatment must be repeated each time.

Centeno says same day treatments often aren’t as effective, either.

But despite the sky-high price tag and lack of evidence, patients like Beals believe the treatment is nothing short of a miracle. She advises anyone who is a candidate for joint replacement to consider stem cells first.

“Open your mind up and step into it,” she says. “Do it. It’s so effective. It’s the future and it works.”





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