


Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld

Hér segir.

Í Ísrael hefur kristnum fjölgađ um 400 % frá 1948 til 2012.


"Interview Series: International human rights lawyerJustus Reid Weiner:

"They flee to almost any country that will issue them a visa.""


Í borginni Betlehem ţar sem Jesú fćddist

voru kristnir:

80% af íbúunum áriđ 1950.

60 % af íbúunum áriđ 1990.

40 % af íbúunum áriđ 2000

15 % af íbúunum áriđ 2008

Ţađ er lítiđ talađ um ţetta ástand í vestrćnum fjölmiđlum.

og af forustumönnum kristinna safnađa.

Egilsstađir, 22.12.2012 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld

Christian Arabs have been victims of frequent human rights abuses by Muslims."There are many examples of intimidation, beatings, land theft, firebombing of churches and other Christian institutions, denial of employment, economic boycotts, torture, kidnapping, forced marriage, sexual harassment, and extortion," he said. PA officials are directly responsible for many of the attacks, and some Muslims who have converted to Christianity have been murdered.

"The problems for Christians in Bethlehem are typical throughout the Middle East. As in Palestinian society, Christian Arabs have no voice and no protection. It is no wonder they have been leaving. Because of emigration - some of it dating back two or three generations - seventy percent of Christian Arabs who originally resided in the West Bank and Gaza now live abroad. Tens of thousands live in Sydney, Berlin, Santiago, Detroit, and Toronto. The emigration of Christian Arabs has multiplied over the last decade, with no end in sight.

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