We and the UN are doing this to the Jews, why?

Ísrael 27.01.2009,

Velt vöngum um,

hvar okkur hefur mistekist



After World War II, Russia got a part of east Poland and the population

was resettled in Poland,           10 million


After World War II, Poland got a part of east Germany and the population

was resettled in Germany,   12 million


After World War II, Partition of India and Pakistan 1947,

the population was resettled in India 6 mil,

 Pakistan 8 mil



After World war II, the land we call Israel today, was split up by UN,

between Jews and Arabs but the Arab nations went to the War of Independence

in 1948, when Israel was invaded by the armies

of five of its Arab neighboring countries.


We had 860000 Jewish refugees from the Arab countries,

resettled in Israel and other countries


We had 540,000 to 720,000 Arab refugees from Israel

who fled to Arab countries, the west bank, Jordan and Gaza Egypt,

were the Palestinian refugees were placed in camps



But there was one profound difference -- Israel immediately absorbed the Jewish refugees,

while the Palestinian refugees were placed in camps and deliberately kept there

as a matter of calculated Arab policy and with the complicity of the UN. 


The Arab states refused to allow such resettlement

and integration of their Palestinian brethren,

preferring instead to exploit the Palestinian refugees

to serve their own political agendas.


Egilsstađir, 27.01.2009 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Egilsstađir, 31.07.2014 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


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1 Smámynd: Jón Valur Jensson

Verulega góđ samantekt, segir mjög mikiđ, Jónas!

Jón Valur Jensson, 10.8.2014 kl. 01:11

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