Vandamál Evrópu

Hungarian PM blames Soros for fueling refugee crisis in Europe

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said that George Soros, an American billionaire and human rights advocate, was responsible for the ongoing refugee crisis. Soros belongs to a group of “activists” that encourages migrants to head to Europe and thus intentionally aggravates the situation, Orban said.


Police officers flee angry mob in Swedish refugee center through back door

A police patrol of 10 officers was forced to flee a refugee center in Sweden after being surrounded by a mob of violent migrants.


Islam-leaning UK politicians openly forecast complete takeover of British politics' - ex-EDL leader

Arab spring refugee tide has made the immigration issue yet more stretching for the European governments. In some towns the indigenous population is already in the minority.


Egilsstađir, 29.01.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


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