Why the Pentagon, the Department of Energy, DARPA, and Boeing Are Racing to Harness This Fake Oil. I’m talking about steel and plastic. 14-times stronger, 90% lighter. A car not made of plastic, or steel. But tougher than both. Lighter than both.


A car that could stop bullets while saving you thousands of dollars at the pump.

This isn’t a James Bond film. This is reality. ......


.... How it’s created ...

And why it’s one of the most valuable, but abundant materials on the planet.

Unlike oil, we can GROW more of The Pyramus Compound.

The Pyramus Compound doesn’t require more bureaucratic nightmares, unlike oil ...

It doesn’t require us using controversial tools to dig deep beneath the earth’s crust ...

It doesn’t risk gas leaks or dangerous explosions ...

See, The Pyramus Compound ... comes from trees. ....


.... By processing it, this strange compound can be turned into a substance 14-times stronger than steel ...

A material firm enough to build airplanes and cars with ...

Along with becoming a carbon fiber nearly twice as strong as and more flexible than Kevlar. ...


Viđ vitum ekki enn ţá, hvort ţetta er raunhćft.

Ég er alls ekki ađ segja ţér ađ kaupa ţessi hlutabréf.

Ég er lítiđ hrifinn af ţví ađ búa til eldsneyti á bíla úr korni, ţađ er úr mat.

Ţetta efni virđist vera búiđ til úr trjám, og notar ţá rćktarland.

En, viđ skulum gefa ţessu auga.

Ţetta efni virđist gott í stađinn fyrir stál, plast og koltrefjar




Egilsstađir, 25.04.2016-Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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