700.000 kjörseđlar í Pennsylvaníu hafa ekkert vatnsmerki og eru ţví sannanlega falsađir. ţetta er í beinni, beint frá leyniţjónustu hersins fyrir löggjafarvaldiđ í Pennsylvaníu. Hvađ skildi CNN segja núna? Auđvitađ, segja ţeir, ţađ eru engar sannanir.

Viđ trúum engu en skođum allt.

Endursagt. (Löglegir kjörseđlar voru merktir međ földu, ósýnilegu vatnsmerki. Ef kjörseđlar eru ekki merktir međ vatnsmerki eru ţeir falsađir jg)

Frá og međ deginum í dag virđist sem vatnsmerkjasagan hafi veriđ sönn og hún er ađ rćtast í dag.

UPPFĆRT: 700.000 kjörseđlar í Pennsylvaníu hafa ekkert vatnsmerki og eru ţví sannanlega falsađir. Hvađ skildi CNN segja  núna, ţeir eru vanir ađ segla:

„ţađ eru engar sannanir“ og ţú  veist ađ ţeir munu segja ţađ!
Ţetta er ekki bara einhver fáviti sem sendir frá sér ađ ţessu sinni,

ţetta er í beinni, beint frá leyniţjónustu hersins fyrir löggjafarvaldiđ í Pennsylvaníu.

Jćja, ţađ er gott. Ef rétta sagan kom í ljís viđ ţessa yfirheyrslu ţýđir ţađ TRUMP WON.

Ţađ er engin leiđ út úr ţví. Nema kannski kjarnorku svindl árás. . . . eđa svipađ. 


Ed Jewett: Jim Stone – 700,000 PA Ballots Without a Watermark

https://phibetaiota.net/2020/11/ed-jewett-jim-stone-700000-pa-ballots-without-a-watermark/Corruption, Government

Per Jim Stone:

As of today, it appears the ballot watermark story was true, and it is coming to fruition today.

UPDATE: 700,000 Pennsylvania ballots have no watermark and are therefore proven fake. Let’s see CNN say “There is no evidence” now. you know they will!

This is not just some idiot sh*tposting this time, it is happening live straight from military intelligence, before the Pennsylvania legislature.


Well, that’s good. If the story came out during this hearing, it means TRUMP WON. There’s no way out of it. Except for maybe a nuclear false flag . . . . or similar.

I’d laugh my butt off if Trump actually outfoxed the traitors, but what if there was a leak somewhere and the fake ballots have the watermark too? So we are not out of the woods yet, the corruption is very deep.

However, if the ballot watermark story is true, then the server seizure story is probably definitely true, and even with correctly watermarked fake ballots the ship of fraud is probably going down.

If that ship DOES go down, it is hard to say what will happen next. If the communists have assets in place for an invasion, they’ll do it.

If they have nukes placed to just “pull” America, they’ll do it. If there is Stuxnet in the nuclear facilities, they’ll use it. One big problem is still in play: The communists are awful damn cocky, like they KNOW this is it, and no matter what happens they win. We will have to wait and see I guess . . .

It appears that a Pennsylvania judge has blocked that state from certifying election fraud as legit.

Details on this are sketchy but evidently the judge saw enough evidence of vote fraud to stop certification of the results even after the canvassing boards and governor gave the go ahead.

Now, I’d like to present a salient point: WHAT IF this really is 5D chess, and Trump wanted it to go this way so everyone, from the governor on down could be indicted of election fraud?

If the judge (who must not have been corrupt) stopped it before it mattered, after every last step in the chain proved itself corrupt, what can happen, with zero real damage being done to Trump? We’ll have to wait and see on that judge I guess, and if the correct threats get issued.

It seems to me that Trump has finally taken action he should have taken day 1 in office

It took him 4 years to learn Kushner was a traitor.

It took him 4 years to learn all the advisers were traitors.

It took him 4 years to learn the DOJ, FBI, CIA, DHS, and the NSA were all traitors, (and he at least partially fixed the NSA)

It took him 4 years to learn ALL the judges were crooked, except for a few lifers on the Supreme Court.

It did not take him 4 years to realize staff he could not remove was treasonous, but that staff still stayed in place all 4 years.

It took him 4 years to realize even FOX was rigged, and that even Rasmussen was bunk.

So what can Trump do in two months fully awake, with the swamp still completely alive? We are going to find out.

Phi Beta Iota: We believe President Trump knew everything that Jim Stone says it took the President four years to learn. 

This take down of the Deep State has been over 16 years in the planning, with the last eight years being intense. Now we wait for the final battles to play out over next two months.

Opt in for free daily update from this free blog. Separately The Steele Report ($11/mo) offers weekly text report and live webinar exclusive to paid subscribers, who can also ask questions of Robert. Or donate to ask questions directly of Robert.  

Egilsstađir, 27.11.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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1 Smámynd: Tómas Ibsen Halldórsson

Drottinn hefur komiđ hlutunum ţannig fyrir ađ djúpríkiđ, hinir gjörspilltu, opinbera sjálfa sig og ţeirra illu gjörđir.

Einhverstađar voru sendir út 1,8 milljónir svokallađra "Mailin ballots" og 2,5 milljónir skiluđu sér til baka. Fólk sem gerir svona er ekki viđbjargandi, en Drottinn er ađ fletta ofanaf spillingunni. Lof sé Guđi.

Tómas Ibsen Halldórsson, 27.11.2020 kl. 13:47

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