Viđ verđum ađ muna ađ Rússar hafa haft yfirráđ, yfir flotastöđ, í Sevastopol, síđan, eins og ţeir segja, since the late 1700s. Munum einnig ađ Putin rak heimsfjármálakerfiđ frá Rússlandi, og ţá ţarf ađ ráđast á Rússland.

Muna ađ á Krim og í austur héruđum Úkraínu

talar meirihlutinn Rússnesku og ţar er

Sevastopol eina íslausa

herskipahöfn Rússa


Ég kom í hús, og ţar var opiđ útvarp, og var ţađ Útvarp Saga.

Ţar kom einhver ágćtur hlustandi sem hafđi hringt inn, og túlkađi hann söguskođun fjármálakerfisins, sem viđ heyrum daglega í Ríkisútvarpinu og öđrum fjölmiđlum FJÁRMÁLAKERFISINS.

Ţarna minnti hann á ađ Rússar hefđu tekiđ sér yfirráđ yfir Krímskaga núna ţegar ´

réttkjörin stjórn Úkraínu var hrakin frá völdum međ uppţotum, og nýja stjórnin sagđi skiliđ viđ Rússland.

Viđ verđum ađ muna ađ Rússar hafa haft yfirráđ, yfir flotastöđ, í Sevastopol, síđan, eins og ţeir segja, since the late 1700s

Rússland 1910- 1918 sýndi heimsfjármálakerfinu mótţróa, og ţá voru sendir byltingaforingjar til ađ koma Rússa keisara frá völdum.

Ţannig urđu gömlu Sovétríkin til.

Munum einnig ađ Putin rak heimsfjármálakerfiđ frá Rússlandi, og ţá ţarf ađ ráđast á Rússland.

Gaddafi hćtti ađ nota dollara í olíuviđskiptum og notađi denar, sína krónu, og var ţá var ráđist á Líbíu og Gaddafi drepinn, og stofnađur seđlabanki frá fjármálakerfi heimsins.

Ađ vera sá sem skrifar heimsbókhaldiđ, skrifar töluna, er taliđ ćskilegt, ţá eignast sá ađili allt sem gert er.

Viđ eigum allir ađ fara á fulla ferđ í ađ laga okkur ađ framtíđinni.

Gamla kerfiđ, ţađ er viđ ţurfum ađ laga okkur ađ nútíđinni, og framtíđinni.

Útvarp saga ţarf ađ hafa ađgang ađ sögunni, en kvađa sögu?

Hér er brot sem ég vildi setja fram til betri skilnings.

Egilsstađir, 16.01.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Ég fór inn á Google og náđi í smá sýnishorn um Krmskagan.

5 Key Facts About Crimea

Crimea has been a part of Ukraine since 1954, when Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev "gave" it to Ukraine, which was then part of the Soviet Union until its dissolution in 1991. Since that time, Crimea has existed as a semi-autonomous region of the Ukrainian nation, with strong political bonds to Ukraine — and equally strong cultural ties to Russia. …


… Though Crimea is recognized worldwide as a part of Ukraine, the Russian Navy has kept its Black Sea Fleet stationed at a naval base in Sevastopol (in southern Crimea) since the late 1700s. In 2010, Russia negotiated an agreement that allows the country to share the all-important Sevastopol naval base through 2042, in exchange for deep discounts of about $40 billion on natural gas from Russia. …




Why did Khrushchev give Crimea to Ukraine in 1954?

On the news they've been characterizing the transfer as "a gift" to Ukraine from Khruschev. What's up with that? I've never heard of a country giving away territory as a gift. …


… It wasn't between 2 countries. It was between different States of one country, but the states have little individual rights. It's like Michigan giving the Upper Peninsula to Wisconsin, but there are less state rights and Michigan is by far the most dominant state in the nation. …

… That said, the USSR did attempt to have each of the SSRs represented as a separate country in the United Nations. Eventually, it was allowed to have Ukraine and Byelorussia with separate seats (after an American veto and counter-demand for each state to be given representation). Edit: trololol...

Technically the USSR was just that - a "union" of nominally equal constituent republics, but given RSFSR and centralized communist party dominance, this was never more than a legal fiction and a pretty moot point. …

 Egilsstađir, 16.01.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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